Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Budget to optimize the government.

I hear hack this or hack that. But what is needed is optimization of government.

I still want Medicare. I just want it optimized to health. I want a Cloud Electronic Medical Record System. I want optimized payments to physicians. They have to know how much they are going to get paid. Then quickly pay them.

I want the National Parks.

I want stronger Cyber Defense.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Arthur Levitt on Bloomberg

I agree with everything Mr. Levitt said on Bloomberg today.

Congress is not doing their job. I tried to sue the Government for accurate representation under Art.1 Sec.2 Cl.3 I was told that even though I am an American Citizen by birth, I lacked the heritage to come before the court. By changing back to 1 to 30000 representation, the people will have a congress that is for the people. Congress would form an instant neural network. And most of the politics and opacity will instantly fall from congress.

We have the tools to do this. Any large business already does this internally. Use Linux and it will cost will be minimal.

Friday, June 22, 2012

QE3 Kashkari's Bloomberg Interview

I agree with Mr. Kashkari. But since QE3 is required to stimulate growth. Our lending institutions must be forced to lend that money to small and intermediate size business. That forced lending will be the only way the economy will start to wiggle room through employment and production. The production side is the engine that will strengthen the infrastructure.

20% of QE3 should be set aside for small and midsize startups. I have a current project that I am completing alone but I could use the help of 20 people this year and increase by factors in subsequent years.

QE3 needs to happen now! By Executive Order!!! Consider this payment to the American People for the COMPLETE f*** up called fast and furious.

Thank you Mr. Kashkari for the important interview.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Boycotting Oil Prices

To say that the global oil price of oil is caused by Iran is ludacris. This latest two dollar per gallon increase is a process of careful planning of media. Americans need to stop buying gasoline one day a week. We as a group should decide the day using social media and stick to it. Even if the oil companies drop the retail price by $2.00 per gallon. In a free economy it is the consumer who ultimately determines the price that they will pay for any product. Aaron Guerami

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Opinions by Bloomberg Interviewers is not acceptable

Dear Bloomberg. Please quit allowing the personal views of the interviewer to be discussed. I don't care about the view of the intervewier. It is not relevent to any discussion. Refusing to take responsibility for decimating our economy is why most of us, will not ever fall into a Republican trap again. We will aggressivly build transparency tools. I like the mentor prorgams. They are an aggressive tool to help startups. All the other tools you have are awesome. Thanks Aaron Guerami

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Brightest Minds flew our Economy into the Ground!

It is discusting to say America's best and brightest are either in Wall Street or D.C. These are greedy little gamblers who created a pool to buy and sell tiny bits of equity at high profits. If the rules of the pool allow for urine and feces to fill from above then nobody will play in your pool. Enjoy that trickle down effect. Its about time that 100% of Wall Street's employees and directors realizes they too are just tools for the 1%. The power and income disparity will cause a buffer between them and the law. They will dump you when the lights and sirens turn on. Good Luck

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The failure of Mortgage Backed Securities

Its a simple scam. Which says, if I say enough, the client will ignore the obvious. The model lacks the insurance to cover the failure. It will fail over time, "Because, not everybody in America will foreclose at the same time". This was shown in the freddies which, if not bailed out would have extended the insurance failure into the owners of the stupid product. Then the failure is shared across the number of slices. That is a undercoverage of 10^12 to 10^16 minimium. And that was the oxygen that fueled the fire.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bankers driving on black ice

Dealing with inflation, or driving on black ice. As much as it seems strange. Open lending at high rates and let the market push them down. Do not think you can inverse this. That lack of evaluating risk got us here. Steer into the deviation.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Nice job Mr. President

One very complex problem was removed from the international economy. Oil. The missle factory destruction will remove much of the fear in the oil markets and is the peak of radicalism. So Along with all the other issues solved today, Good Job.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Inflation problems at the fed.

My fear since 2007 was how the bursting of the housing bubble would affect inflation. I was correct.

Inflation is used to relate soverign currency to each other and then modified by commodities. This is wrong!

Inflation must be above 10% current. The economy must be allowed to inflate else it will contract. If we don not agree on prices then an object cannot be a commoditity. If inflation is being held down it will find the weakest parts of the economy. Those right now are the least transparant to the shareholders.

Do not be afraid of inflation. It is the puss of a marketing bubble.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Issue new bonds at aa- for rebuilding.

Leave QE3 for small and mid sized business. Start new bonds at a higher rate for construction, but the GDP will have risen.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Changing Flash Mob's behavior

This is a serious problem and will have implications on network usage.

These will be dangerous until guilt prevades.

We must use flash mob mentality to benefit society. Support shelters... help habitat for humanity. Do what you want.

Create compassionate flash mobs

Monday, June 6, 2011

Using local banks as SBA distribution

QE1 was required to support the system
QE2 was required to support large job projects.

Both systems worked. Though their effvectiveness can be debated.

QE3 must support small business.
Money must be lent to existing small business for operations and basic spending. This is the fastest way to dristribute stability into the market at this time.

Make it easier to get SBA products through the non tier one/two banks are allowed to sell.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Reasonable words from PIMCO

I saw Bill Gross on BloombergTv. His logic and reasonable behavior allowed me to get past his previous discussions. He is right to push the savings rate.

Good Job

Friday, March 25, 2011

Dick Parson's quasi-regret

Dick Parson states 'they did not' see and prepare for problems. On that statement, any shareholders and account holders should demand someone who will provide structure strength and support this company through the unstarted transition and into company stability.

This board must be replaced and now before this srtucture fails. It has forgotton how to make money as a bank.

I am willing to take the time to fix Citigroup.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mozilla Conundrum

Not showing page hits?

Let's walk this through before a line of code is written. How does the bank know it truly is talking with its customer?

Then Apache, IIS and others are forced to only accept browsers which allow page hit counters. Now the customer is truly unavailable. Mozilla fails, the economy goes with it.

Take that idea to the shredder.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The goldman Facebook Flipflop

Ahhhhhh. Goldmand does not like Facebook sell, sell, sell?

I have heard that because goldman took back their crazy product, that Facebook and support companies should be sold on that information.

1) Goldman has no idea what Facebook is. They had to 'school them' on Facebook.

2) The power and consumers in Facebook would never listen to a goldman. Once burnt twice shy.

3) At this point Facebook users would rather use their own media tools then listen to BS from wall street.

I think Facebook should publicize the slapping of Goldman across the network.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

If the rich do not pay their taxes then bonds will fail

Look, it is the bond holders that allowed the US debt limit to increase beyond the limit of the bond. The bond holders must take the hit, they created this.

first derivative : linear Convexity
Second derivative : Curved Convexity
Third derivative: Options, Futures

The first two derivatives have complex but understandable underlying mathematics.
The third derivative's mathematics is hidden in a opaque package.
Forth and fifth derivatives are based on the opaque third derivative.

It is not know how many levels of derivatives were based on the third derivative instead of the transparent underlying bond. ETFs, LBOs, and funds fall into this category.
If we move money to pay the bond holders for a temporary time we will lose our AAA credit rating. Credit: Bloomberg
And we have to do this by friday.

I have told you this for many years now. The grim reapers are coming. As they whack our AAA to AA- then all those packaged products will fail. The reason is that there are many improper packages that will exceed the value of the bond.

Good luck

Thursday, December 30, 2010

30y 4.8%

That may be a good compromise.

30y 4.8%
10y ~8.5
2y ~12.5

That would allow banks to charge 18-29 for mortgages and 33 for personal credit.

You have to make this announcement now! Just don't make an announcement, make it a 1-3 hour lecture. Fill it with details. Show heat maps. Really explain this in graphic detail.

Counties in New York and California are in "States of Emergency" and are being taken over by the states. Credit : Bloomberg

Mariposa county budget

Nassau, NY

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

STVI up 60% in a day

Can't beat that. The social implications of this new tool will show in major increases of installation over a short period of time. Very useful tool for understanding dating on the internet.

opened 1.58
closed 2.53

Credit: Bloomberg TV

addendum, the next day

I bought more at 1.95 and 2.10. I will keep buying this.

High volatility I see it rising at a rate consistent with Facebook not the market.

Former Shell Exec, Hofmeister

I agree with everything you are saying. We should be drilling 11+b barrels of oil/day. But we must know that the ships and rigs are safe. We will not tolerate another BP or Exxon. You must prove to us that you know how to protect your assets.

Aaron Guerami

BofA is in default

Allstate must have issued the insurance on BofA and Countrywide. They default and Allstate owns them.


Meredith Whitney is a Goddess

The Goddess of Truth and Clear Seeing. Meredith Whitney.

It does not matter what rich folk think. It is easy to be incorrect when you are lied to. She is correct. We will pay for 30+ year of trickle down economics and rich people lying. Our cities are collapsing. Take a look at Detroit! All of California!

If the rich do not fix this by paying their taxes, then there will be a world wide crash and the rich are going to be the most affected. They are the ones who have foolishly followed the little white lie. It will not concern the crash if the rich are living off Turkey, Monaco, Brazil,... It does not matter. The rich will lose and the poor will gain from their loss. Again the only way this can be avoided is to pay your stupid taxes now! Support the MUNIs by funding them with taxes. You must take 1/2 of all your assets and put them into the Munis world wide. YOU HAVE DAYS TO LISTEN TO HER!!! You will lose everything if you do not do this before dec 31.

It is not relevant to me that you the rich lose all your money. You did not pay you taxes. You did not support the system. Your attitude of trickle down economics has created this. If you piss on people they would at least have sterile water to drink.

Guess what? You the rich missed and are covered in piss. Do you actually think the non-rich would buy your toxic assets? Do you actually think we would stand around to be pissed on. You clean it up by buying all state and local muni's and driving the yield up. Sorry. But you did it to yourselves.

It may be a month or two of disruptions for those of us who are not rich. But you the rich are going to feel this pain for the rest of your lives and all of your decedents lives. The important thing to remember is that it does not matter what you think. Good luck with your beliefs. Your rich delusions are not connected to reality.

You only have a couple of days to reduce the pain you the rich are going to feel. Support the bonds or feel the pain. If you think interest rates are painful, You should feel the pain of depression rates on the rich. Depression rates don't affect the poor for long. We are capable of feeling pain for long periods of time.

Oh, yeah.
1)It is about time that you rich figured out that goldman screwed you!!!
2)Market psychology will not have any effect on the direction and crash of munis.
3)If you do not drive the yields of muni 8%points by the end of the year. You lose!
4)Only the rich will lose everything.

Hope you are listening to the Goddess of Truth and Clear Seeing

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tax Marijuana Now

It is time to generate revenue now. We have seen that legalization and usage of Marijuana for medical purposes has not caused a societal crash. It is time to generate these taxes nationwide.

Tax and regulate dispensaries and product. Lets make this a safe new revenue for those who have a doctors permission.

Aaron Guerami


Dear Bloomberg TV,

It is disingenuous to say yesterday we are experiencing a 3x increase in health care prices from August to December, and today suggest we are not experiencing any inflation.

Gold prices are inflating
Food prices are inflating
Energy prices are inflating
Housing prices are deflating
The dollar value is deflating

Thus we are in inflation. You should see that we are in ~20% inflation per year. It will hit 100% or 1000% if it is ignored. Please look at South American Economic History for reference to these problems.

The fed needs to say we need 3 months of 8% increase on current. This should allow for the psychological relief necessary. This should be introduced before year end.

Tesla Motors

I would like the opportunity to fix Tesla Motors. Be it a fundamental engineering issue or a simple distribution problem I can easily solve this companies issues and get it moving forward again. Using the current personnel I would expand their thinking and motivate their creativity. This company is vital to American perception of future expansion. It is a signpost of how quickly we will get out of this depressing recession.

More importantly, I have a plan.

My Resume is:

Aaron Guerami

Monday, December 27, 2010

Health care increases

300% increases in premium over 3 months. That is what 3x means. That is 100% a month.

Realize that all the money in the Medicare fund is gone.

It is not correct to say that Medicare or more people on Medicare causes an increase in cost to everyone. That is not correct and is a lie. People pay into a fund. People prepay into a fund to be there when they need it at their retirement.

You don't pay Social Security taxes to not get the services.

Another Picmo bondage problem.

So, Mr. Gross, your bonds are fully valued to the future and present changes GDP or Economic Growth Value. How is that possible when you and other bond holders have been so blindsided by this event that you endorsed.

Let me show you what happened. We need to travel back to the Vietnam War and The Brady Bonds.

These bonds have a lot of blood on their hands. 6m deaths in Vietnam, sold to iran. Financed terror for 10 years, sold back to ?? US. Hidden in the 90s. Destroyed on date of expiration at the broker/dealer. Started conflict in Afganistan. Extended to Iraq.

The bonds were based on the assets of the vietnam war. The assets were paid for by rubber, and opiates. Bonds were issued... for a war? If you lie about bonds then failure is guaranteed.

The Brady Bonds showed if one percent of the issued bonds were fraudulent, there would be 3-4% growth. So Brady Bonds were issued on 9/11/1971 as 30 year +1 day expiration. This was validated to you from the city next to you, Huntington Beach. Huntington Beach was a swamp land oil field. When the oil was drained the swamp settled enough that it could be built on. Essentially it was built on the first 3 years of the Brady Bond interest. By 1974 most of Huntington Beach between Beach Blvd, and Brookhurst, from Adams to PCH now had a home. These homes were needed for the aerospace industry. This was great, you at the bondholder made a tremendous amount of money on re-issuance of bonds.

Now your expectations are that you must do this again with a much larger operation. You are now selling 30 year bonds on future growth. But the problem is you have changed the defining sentence of a bond, and nobody knows it. This change in the definition of a bond and it issuance is not noticed by economist. Because it is validated by data, this new definition of a bond becomes the major failure in our economy. This failure is based on the idea that bonds are now linked to future growth instead of current infrastructure and resources.

It became apparent during the Iran-Contra event that although military parts were sold to iran, the really concerning part was they were paid for with brady bonds. The real problem was we now owned these brady bonds again. They were shown to be fraudulent during iran-Contra. We gave them real parts for fake money. These bonds needed to be gathered up and destroyed before their expiration.

The people at original holders and owners were lied to by the Nixon Gvt. Now that is a stretch. Nixon lying. What was interesting, was the Brady Bonds were destroyed at the broker not the owner. The deaths at Cantor-Fitzgerald were instant.

Surgical extraction of the Brady Bonds and their derivatives should be the HairCut necessary for the bondholders to take for their participation in this huge economic fuckup. This should include the physical removal of underlying asset that has failed the bond. The empty office building that was used to underwrite the subprime tract of homes should also be removed when the empty tract of homes is removed. The required money for this should come from the Bond insurance.

The rule for bondholders is if you are making more that 2-3% on a 10year then something is really wrong with the underlying bond.

Issuance of bonds. 30 y bonds should only be issued every 10 years. For example, I bought a building in 2003. I paid its mortgage off in 2010. Seven years. In 2013 I will have 3 years of profit or no mortgage to pay. I will take that money and use it to pay for the next 10 years of maintenance, marketing and bond insurance. Then I will issue 5, 10 and 20 year bonds to cover the life of the asset, and collect rent. It should be that easy to understand. I must have the asset paid for and it future health should be covered before I am allowed to issue a bond against the asset.

Another thing. You cannot issue beyond the asset's life or beyond the asset's depreciated value. You don't get to make shit up and issue bonds to it. That showed the failure of the Tech bubble. Basing building homes on fraud causes the sub-prime failure. Sub-prime would have worked if the underlying assets had real value.

So, you may not be directly at fault, But stupid statements like bond are fully valued... when you show a general ignorance and lack of proper information, are dangerous. As a bondholder. you should never speak. We should never know who really owns the debt. Who was foolish enough to underwrite sub-prime homes in California?

For those who still do not understand, this concept is how you disperse the sub-prime and Fannie and Freddie and Sallie. Just show that these were failed by the fraudulent Brady's. Then Sub-prime can be shown to be a failure of the Brady's not of the concept of Bond. If you bondholders still don't get this then the latter is probable. And all this is true because stock (equities) is the first derivative of the underlying bond. Or it use to be before equities became a gambling platform.

Aaron Guerami

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Robust Recover, Mr. Ross

Wilber Ross on Bloomberg described the recovery as Robust. That is a nice description. Slow and steady steers the course. It strengthens my feeling of the economy when I hear people like WL Ross describe their view as such.

Aaron Guerami

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Food Inflation??

I do not believe your food inflation midday discussion.

What about the smaller container for the same price? We are not eating as much this month because prices are more. But our checkout ticket needs to remain stable.

I know that as smart phone usage increases in 2011 people will start showing instant food inflation data.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Half the Bankers are going to Quit?

If their bonuses are not up to snuff. Fuck em.

Replace them with code!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Now, Mr. Bernake

Consumers need to save, Businesses need to spend, Government needs to regulate.

The reliance in GDP on growth in spending needs to be put on the Businesses. The Consumer needs to save for housing and food.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Mr. O'Neill

That Bloomberg interview where you described giving money to local government to hire trades people off the unemployment rolls to tear down derelict property is great. It creates value in America in so many ways. Thanks.

Two days in a row! Keep it up.

Virtual war will have physical consequences

Oracle and HP are at virtual war with each other. America's Networks will be the battlefield. We will have failures of the system that will show America as untrustworthy. This little conflict is not of benefit to all. Worst of all, people will die because of this rage. Tone it down now!!!

Lets have a neutral stance until Monday!

Ellison, I understand the rage and pain involved in losing someone you trust, to foolish issues. You trained this dude to replace you.

HP, Do not be so arrogant as to think your size is any defense in this. Ellison is powerful enough to just absorb you. I've seen it done before. Fire your problems.

HP Exec, You have been summoned to appear before a Federal Judge. If you have no respect for the Law, then you will make a lousy and destructive executive.

You all are at a delicate location in the Tech recovery. One that has been going on since ~2000. Absolutely stupid conflicts will have disastrous effects. If you are willing to spend money on Virtual War, Let's use that cooperative attitude and fully fund a Near Earth Object project.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bloomberg, Net Neutrality

I am extremely concerned when people who will be voting on standardization and access refer to the internet as a pipeline, series of pipes...

This argument should done in the quiet confines of academia, where these innovations and inventions are made. The question should be how neutral do we need the network to continue growth through innovation.

The other thing is behind the firewall is mine. I built it. I wrote it. And if you don't like it then don't break through my firewall and read my work. Behind the firewall is PRIVATE.

Politicians who have no idea about information sciences should not try to confine the innovation. They just cannot understand it.

I am concerned!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We know another reduction in RE value is coming

So why not extend it to those of us clowns who have been paying our bills. Pay 3 month forward to mortgage holders for the people who paid their bills.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Good Job, Mr. Bernanke

By the end of the day we will be flat. That is precisely what I think you intended. We will remain flat for some time. Jan will stabilize 3% growth + inflation.

You made a statement that I found interesting. ~"Persistent imbalance shows a flaw in the system."

The tool that you are missing is inflation/deflation. You need to manipulate interest rates. It needs to cost to borrow money. Money should not ever be free.

The motion of you inflating and deflating the system will show strong consumer confidence. 1/2% change in a quarter will show the stability and strength of our true economy.

The populations work force and structural economy needs to be inflated by 20% over the next 5 years. There need to be at least another couple of trillion dollars poured into the system.

Although Carter never got the credit, he inflated the economy so job growth could occur in the 80s. We need some inflation now.

Yours is not the job I would want, but I understand its necessity.

Thanks for understanding our economy.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Effects of the bush economy

This is what happens when an absolute idiot runs our government. We should not ever allow a person who could barely walk or talk run our country.

It is the primary problem: Our Economic Leadership Election System is based on a popularity contest. This system either denigrates the position of the President or creates a dictator.

It always takes time from the event to the effect.

moving on

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Whining about taxes

It is annoying to listen to the rich whine about taxes. It is even more annoying to watch the rich parade before The President, demanding to pay lower taxes... Piss Off!

When you the rich pay the same amount in percentage as a nurse or a construction worker, only then should we consider 'lowering' taxes.

Bloomberg TV Business Regulation Critics Take Obama `Off Script' at White House Meeting.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The reason for increasing reserves

I have seen this happen in my condo association. It is what is necessary for everyone including the federal reserve to do.

Two condo associations save money for replacement of roof after 15 years. My building chooses to save 100% of the cost of the previous roof replacement plus 15% for inflation.

The other condo chooses to save 15% of the previous roof replacement and assess unit owners for the balance. They want to have more money in their bank.

When it came time to replace the roofs, who's roof was completed? The unit owners in my condo paid for the roof, had some extra funds left over because we bargained with the installer and got rebates for installing a energy efficient roof. Our monthly payments went down because we are saving for a 10 year project over 15 years.

The other condo did not get the money they needed from the assessment. They paid 5 times the amount needed for the roof in legal fees to collect the necessary monies. They purchased tar roofs, because that is what they always did. They are in legal fights with the unit owners, other condos, the installer, and suppliers; simply because they did not have the funds saved. They still have not completed their roof.

Oh yeah, our unit owners had their electric bills reduced by 50% because of the energy efficient roof.

Meltzer the man who Margret Brennen had on her show today is wrong. Savings is what we the people need to do. We need to strengthen the dollar by savings.

If you the people wish to have the lifestyle we have enjoyed, then you must save the monies required for funding the replacement and upgrading of infrastructure. There is no way around this.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Good Job, Plugging the Well

The alternative would have been difficult to live with. Now money should be spent recovering that oil that is saturating the Gulf floor. A re-examination of the Gulf wells will cause many new jobs. Many robots will be needed to do this census of the gulf.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Citi Sells Student loans

Bloomberg TV has had this on the ticker all morning. C sell Student Loan Division for $600 million.

Best to sell this division before it pops in the next major consumer bubble. It is good that you sold that consumer debt. Good Job C

Ignorance in politics destroys economies

I cringe when I hear absolute ignorance of the Constitution. Today I heard from Hans Nichols about the Democrats losing the Senate. That may be your wish, but the requirement of control of the Senate is a simple majority. "The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided." Art 1 Sec 3 Cl 4

I would rather see many more then 3 parties, than this ignorance to continue.

Read Article 1 Section 3 of the Constitution.

There is no two party system. A Senator represents a state, not a party.

Again, Mr Nichols.

You opinion or wishes are not relevant to me. I expect Facts to be discussed by Bloomberg TV. What in Washington is being discussed or voted on? Can you post links to bills being discussed?

If you want to write an Op-Ed, then produce it to be on the weekend.


It is ignorance to discuss people as only liberal or conservative. As an independent moderate, I have little voice in politics. But Jon Stewart is correct. Moderates are the largest group of people in America. I would love to go to Washington for the Moderate rally. 10/30/2010

It is the extremist who run this country. They use fear and manipulation to push their ideologies.

You who profess reduction of taxes and regulations destroyed our economy in an effort to raise your personal income during the Bush years.


The Democrats can screw up a glass of water. They have majority control of both the House and Senate. Yet they cannot pass any resolution or bill without blaming it on the other extremist. They are ignorant in a way that is unforgivable. I want to see Computer Scientist and other educated people taking House positions.


Let's let the party system fail.

Aaron Guerami

Friday, August 13, 2010

Bond holders

I am concerned that bond holder managers do not understand the mechanisms of inflation/dis-inflation. Like the Fed, general non-specific devaluation comments are not beneficial to bond holders.

We have more of a chance to see inflation. We are no longer in a devaluation phase of the dollar. The cost for demand of the dollar is 300% What he is doing by discussing, this is showing the disparity between what is perceived and what is known. This ratio use to be much higher. Bond holders are the only people who want inflation.

This man should of at least waited to discuss this after the Michigan confidence numbers were released. The way the market reacted to those numbers shows there is a cost for stability. That is inflation. As a bond manager he should have discussed this new bit of information showing inflation and stability.

The Bond managers should have experience in transforming the system without the knowledge of the system. They manage more money than the entire GDP of the world over time. They should be explaining how the interest of the money they are making goes to support hospitals, education, infrastructure... What the bonds were issued to support.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Interest rates

In order to fix this economy, we must experience high interest. It should cost 25% to borrow money. Bonds must have a high return. The system will fail from a lack of confidence if this rule is not followed.

So you can have high interest rates and volatility in stock prices or stability in stock prices and lower interest rates. Dividends are the only way to stabilize stock prices. When dividends are paid confidence returns.

Monday, August 9, 2010

HP is being replaced by a failure of Moore's Law

Sex Scandal. Really. The firing of HP's exec over sex, does detract from the poor sales figures.

The purchase of Palm was an attempt to use an existing mobile development platform to fight with RIM, Apple, and Google. That is not a fight I would choose to be in.

The Palm 5 was the best platform I have tested that HP/palm had. But that was 10+ years ago.

The fallacy, that HP will fail over and everyone else needs to reevaluate is Moore's Law. The doubling of processor power is not linear over time. There needs to be a point when I and companies say I have enough computing power. I just need a UI to interface with the system.

Moore's law is not a valid mechanism for determining demand in computer science.

Moore's Law

Addendum 8/11/2010
Look, I have had found some of the best laptops are HP. It will be ironic if HP fails because it tried to go mobile. I am more concerned that the board does not understand this. Demand for processors is not linear. I think sanity has left the laptop industry.

Rats are jumping the Goldman Ship

Every day I see stories of Goldman employees moving on to more stable companies.

Today Goldman reduced the outlook on the US economy.

It even seems that Goldman cannot sell or buy $100m of Skype. They required their competition to list Skype. I just find that interesting.

GS 10-Q 08/09/2010

Now Margret Brennen is reporting a GS employee who I believe was 'Thrown under the bus'. Really, Goldman expect us to believe that this fab dude was capable of destroying this longstanding company. That is just a major sign of incompetence in the management of the company.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pimco is afraid

That little tirade by Pimco on Bloomberg was extremely disgusting. What Pimco is really afraid of is that the U.S. debt is not going to be repaid by the wealthy, average and poor. That it is going to be repaid, but by the rich. It is that 95% - 5% attitude.

This is an extreme example of how the 5 really don't care about the 95. I am sorry that Neel was the one who was spouting that rhetoric.

What about the entitlements afforded to the rich? You should pay the same percentage in taxes as a nurse. You really pay far less in percentage of taxes. We the 95 tend to overlook that reduction in taxes because of the purpose you serve. Article 1 Section 8 should make you pay incredible amounts of monies to be an American. Because of the incredible amounts of monies you make as a Citizen.

Could you at Pimco really afford to maintain Hoag? What about UCI? If you increased the taxes you paid this would not be an issue. The system failed because people like you see themselves as outside the system not a part of the system. You have to participate to get the bonds back to parity. And you won't get them back to parity until you participate.

It really is not the 95s fault you allowed Goldman to take your money from you. You were heavily invested in debt. You are smart enough to realize they were stealing, from you.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The most dangerous threat to the United States

Pages on submarine intended to enter U.S. Waters

These are the most dangerous threat to the United States. If Pakistan's nukes go rogue.

Both Amanda and I agree that the Navy should be hunting down and destroying these vessels.

Just more of my fears. These are high speed low profile boats. They have almost no signature. They are designed to evade. They are more than capable of delivering cargo/weapons. They are remote controlled. These are Intercontinental Sub-Surface Nuclear Torpedoes.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Expiration of Tax Cuts


It is important to realize the chart you displayed showing national debt since 1960 was designed to show a large spike at the end. I would like to see that same data displayed over 30 years and have yearly intervals of time.

Also we tend to have a tiered system of taxation. People who RELY on dividends tend to have less taxes or no taxes.

We need to pay our debts, start new massive projects, and build infrastructure.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

60 Votes Not Legal

It is not legal for the Senate to require 60 votes to pass any bill.

Article 1 Section 3
The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided.

This means that a simple majority is required for a bill to pass the Senate. And why is the VP not presiding over the Senate. That is his Constitutional job, to sit and listen to those intelligent jabberings. As Vice President of these United States he is the President of the Senate.

My previous thought was that the people elected to government were using these simple ignorances to circumvent the system. Now I just believe they have never read the Constitution.

Housing numbers

Again, How can this be a shock to investors. We all know there are many vacant homes in the US. Housing starts are down, that again is a no-brainer. Manufacturing is down in the US. Really, this is a shock?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Spain's AAA rating

Please tell me that none of you saw this coming. Really the downgrade of the AAA of Spain's Debt was a total shock to all of you on wall street.

That is like not knowing that betting against your own products is a bad thing. Or the US has a unemployment problem.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Senate and simple majority

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that all/any bills must pass with a 60 vote majority. All bills before the Senate must pass with a simple majority and the Vice President would only vote in a tie.

Only a simple majority is required to pass bills in the Senate. Read the Constitution! Article I Section 3

If you need help I will read it to you.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Transparency in credit and banking

As usual, Dick Bove is absolutely correct!!!! You should put what he has said on a video and put it on youtube. I would like to place his interview on this posting.

I wish he would speak every day! I may have to change the song.

Transparency and separation will benefit our economy.

Hanke- Shows us some proof of your argument

Almost everything you said except the Supreme Court line, which has nothing to do with the Administration, is propaganda. You are aware of the separation of powers in the Constitution?

You have to show some validity to the point you made about the Imperialist Administration. Otherwise it is nothing more than teaparty propaganda. Bullshit as it were.

There is no validity to your argument. The banks failed because of horrible regulation. Not fear of regulation. That is crap. You teach this to students? No wonder we go through these cycles so quickly. You are obviously unaware of the history of what happens when you quit regulating. You obviously teach Reagan-omics. That has worked so very well we are now in a depression.

This depression did not show up the day Obama took power. It took years of idiots deregulating and usurping the power of the people to get here.

Economies are games. Games are rule based systems. A game is successful when its rules are interesting and defined. The fewer rules a game has, the greater the chance of failure. This is called Discrete Mathematics or Game Theory. You are at a university, take it. Professor Harrington is teaching 180.215 Game Theory and the Social Sciences.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Supreme Court sides with criminals

There is no Justice! Even when justice is dispensed it is overturned. How many fraudsters are allowed to go free?

Let them move derivatives overseas

If people did not learn from our mistakes, let them learn the hard way. Their failures will improve our economy.

Really, it will take a few more months to gauge the demand for housing.

Where do you get these idiots? The only way to increase demand for housing is to destroy 3.89 million vacant homes. That should be obvious.

When you have 3.8 million vacant homes you have and oversupply. Thus demand goes down.

BP Execs did not understand risk involved in murder by ignorance

Bloomberg, 06/24/2010

So Davis tells us that a board member of an oil company should not be responsible for understanding the risk involved in the work they do. Really?

So you build a 5000 foot explosive lightning rod and when it explodes you are not responsible. Why are you not responsible? This is not the first time you have had no idea what you are doing. I just finished watching "Gasland" on HBO. Wow,

Not only did you not understand the risk involved in what you were doing, but you removed the redundancies involved in reducing the risk to make more money. If you did not know what you were doing what the fuck were you getting paid for? What you did was murder. Do you need someone to tell you that you murdered people, destroyed oceans, contaminated food? You murdered people. You should be arrested.

You know the risk. You have heavily armed security guards protecting your buildings. Nicely dressed they are.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse. I am not talking about the bullshit laws that you wrote and bribed through the Bush government. I am talking about the laws of natural selection and physics will destroy you. Even the old people I hear from think you should be executed. Their flippancy is, 'The oil executives, politicians and bureaucrat knowingly committed murder, they should executed.'

Davis quit as a board member of BP, but still is a member of the General Motors board. It is no wonder that company failed. This man should flee and live with Cheney in Dubai.

Again I want to remind everyone that the oil collected between the valve and the surface of the ocean is not the property of BP. It becomes the property of the collector. That is salvage law.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I am serious, Mr. President, You need to nuke the flow.

We have several small yield nukes. You need to use this concept to stop this disaster. I don't think the people of Louisiana understand, they have lost their oil resource. They lost it when they and the feds refused to oversee basic safety concerns.

This will also create a moratorium.

This is not something that can be done with a conventional explosive. The flow will push the less dense conventional explosive out of the hole.

If you allow this to continue you will be paying the British and Europeans to clean their shores.

This process has been done before. The sooner the better.

Aaron Guerami

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pumping oil

There are giant oil balls floating in the Gulf. Why are we not pumping the oil into supertankers? We have water pumping tugs. Dump a hose into the middle of these oil bubbles and pump it out of the ocean. Several tugs could pump the oil out of the bubbles faster than it is being excreted.

This is not rocket science. I am getting angry. I want to see ships pumping this oil now. Since this incompetence has gone on too long, I will use that incompetence against every incompetent person involved. From BP to the Dept of Interior.

The reason bp used dispersant was to halt salvage rights.

A supertanker can be filled in 8 hours. There are at least 4.3 millions of barrels of oil floating in the gulf. That oil is free, go get it kids. Even fishing ships can hold oil. The ship will need to be cleaned later but for small families to get 1000 barrels of oil, that is $80,000. That is decent money in these times.

The Navy and Coast Guard should protect the salvage of the oil. This is necessary to prevent greedy people from shooting at each other. Require that salvage ships identify themselves to the government.

It is nice to see JAVA survive

All those tools would have gone poof. I am so glad that Oracle stepped up and realized the (not the potential, but the necessity) or the importance of this language/toolset.

There is a JAVA devcon coming soon. There are free tools. There are new ideas. There is eclipse support.

Thanks for realizing the importance of these ideas will again bring profit, but not the consistent billions. The loss of these ideas would have made the oil disaster look tame. These are tools, keep them sharp.

The next thing I want to see is you teach your children to build factories for complete computing manufacturing. It is so important that we are able to build large quantities of computers here.

Om mani padme hum.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Common Practice does not justify treason

It is not that Goldman should settle with the SEC. It is that the government should prosecute Goldman. This behavior is criminal. In that only the Senate can ratify what Goldman did.

Americans cannot create debt for other sovereign nations. In order to issue debt to a foreign nation, the President of the United States must through the State Department must create the system of payment. Then and only then the Senate must agree with a 2/3 majority.

This is nothing less then treason. To circumvent the government in foreign affairs is treason.

I cannot believe you people have not read the Constitution of the United States of America. It is extremely explicit in these matters.

Monday, June 7, 2010


So you are promoting RIG, but are unwilling to buy RIG. What an ass.

Goldman has pissed off the Chinese

Wow, The Senate allowed Goldman to ratify treaties with China.

Good luck,

The Value of Geeks

Remember, If it wasn't for us geeks, you idiots would not have a job!

Truth is I can replace a talking head with an RSS feed. A single line of code. I like you at Bloomberg. May I suggest that interviewing people like that idiot on tape. You can remove the geek comment before airing it.

Go to west Africa

We are going to lose 7800 Deep water oil rig jobs. It is not like the execs listed to the safety personnel. These multi hundred million dollar rigs will destroy themselves. Keep drilling until you kill all your executives. Make sure they are there when the safety devices fail to work because they are not maintained or even there.

If the Gov of Miss is really incapable of making a choice between safety and toxic waste, his constituents need to re-evaluate his position. Good Job GOP, again you back with full force, the incompetent. What a joke.

I've got one question for the Gov. How many fishing and tourism jobs did you lose? Did you give any of that money BP gave you to the fisherman?

Since there are ~33 oil platforms. Each platform loses ~50000 barrels a day. At what point does the oil push all the water out of the gulf. It is not like oil exec will insist on safety.

The hole is 19" in diameter. You are losing more than a barrel a second. At minimum that is 86400 barrels a day.

How much are they capturing. They should be able to tell you the volume they are collecting. Is is half of 5000 barrels?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Nuking the well

Dear President Obama,

It seems we are having a conversation through the Colbert Nation about how 'Crazy' it would be to Nuke the well. I don't see that you will have much of a choice.

You are now in charge of the largest man-made disaster ever. That group at BP is incompetent. The best thing they have done is get James Cameron involved. So now we get to see it in 3d.

1) Is it possible? Do we have the package? Yes, 155mm. Does it need modification?

2) You need to ask people to simulate the effect of the 155 at different depths. NCSA could produce a simulation in a couple of days of receiving the necessary data. The deeper the better.

3) This has been done before. Please ask the Russians for help.

4) Make sure seismographs are placed through out the Gulf to record the event. It is also necessary to test gamma-ray detectors satellites.

The reason the nuke is necessary is because the plug needs to become a couple hundred meters in diameter. Far larger then the diameter pipe. It needs to instantly change the silicon to glass.

Nothing else will do this.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Still in fibrillation

The Dow is down 6 and the Nasdaq is down 10, 12. Ahhhhh.

Monday, May 31, 2010

We just quit regulating

As if our financial safety was not as important as health and welfare? We convinced ourselves over decades that it was ok, to not understand the implication of serious change to regulation.

Let me put this in medical terms. Regulation is our immune system. America has financial AIDS. Normal healthy companies are viewed as destructive. Destructive products are views as healthy. This is what happens when you remove or ignore the rules of structure.

If you want to gamble, go to Vegas. Do not take our livelihoods as the basis of the gamble. A company like GM cannot take the stress of marketing its product and marketing its stock. Other people (Other than GM's board) were given authorization to create product involving GM stock. These products had nothing to do with GM's product line.

The reason sports betting is allowed is because you cannot not bet on the shop. You cannot go to the Mirage and bet on the Mirage. You bet the game with cash. You cannot bet with credit. Yet this was allowed in brokerage houses.

There have been two camps; Those who wanted fewer rules and those who wanted fewer regulators. In 2006 we finally reached the pinnacle of this insanity.

This is a report on Glass-Steagall from Frontline : A chronology tracing the life of the Glass-Steagall Act, from its passage in 1933 to its death throes in the 1990s, and how Citigroup's Sandy Weill dealt the coup de grâce.

Games that have few rules allow for/require, more and more volatile failures. These failures will continue to get worse until they are monitored by enforceable rules. All forms of derivatives must be removed from the market. Derivatives are good information, they are not good product. The people who create the derivative have no fiduciary responsibility to the company on which the product is based. Whereas the people who create the value to the company stock do have a fiduciary responsibility to the owners of the company.

A system with few rules is so boring, people will not play. American Football is a game of rules. Everyone must play to the rules and ignorance of the rules is not allowed. What the hell is a 'false start' in Rugby? Americans love the game of Football because of its rules. But even rugby has rules. Rugby is a riot with rules. Without the rules it is just a riot.

I could not allow people who were trying to circumvent the rules to continue. Beyond regulation is reality. We use rules and regulation to curb/alter the effects of reality. Reality is brutal to the ignorant. I don't care if you choose to be ignorant. Just don't be surprised when reality slaps the shit out of you. You don't want to ever know reality.

It is known that financial jobs are already lost. This last spike in the market showed that the system can handle the loss of the human moderator. That is the difference between 1987 and this spike. The system corrected the change in rules with minimal failure.

It is known that all the rules based computational systems saved the system from human fear. Information and rules protected the system, especially when the humans enacted NYSE special rules for their own benefit.

Those who market the human interaction will not have a way to justify their existence. We will lose more jobs but we will have a stronger system for this loss. I don't care if broker/dealers have nothing to sell. You only need a sales person when a product does not justify its own existence. Thus sales persons are to be replaced by media and user interface tutorials.

You in the financial community may need to clean oil off birds with soap, so you can eat.

It is not necessary for the financial community to exist. We have created Ted Stevens' dream, a 'series of tubes' to replace you. It is already complete and tested. You, the financial executive are as relevant as the Dewey Decimal System. The only thing left to do is replace the human error. That will happen on its own, human error cost too much for business or even sovereign debt to support.

Friday, May 28, 2010

New oil technology testing

I do feel the President could have lined up some innovators to test oil removal technology. Look at this. It can remove n gallons of oil. Be it a hair boom, bubble oil/water separator, no chemicals necessary. This is a density problem.

Show us how fast this is being cleaned up, now. Then show us how this American technology can be used to clean it up faster, safer. Set up a site to attract innovators and designers. There are people who have prototypes available. They have working tests.

We need these systems placed on boats. We need to capture the oil and bring it ashore. Stop burning it. That does nothing good.

Small nuke for a plug

Your ignorance does not preclude the usefulness of the Low Yield Nuke. A low yield nuke is far more dense than the mud so it will fall down the current hole. Most of the mud is now being forced out of the top by the back pressure of the well.

If this is dropped several hundred feet into the well it will collapse the well into a plug.

Fitch rates Spain AA+

According to this Spain is still an 'A'. When are we going to start seeing 'C'?

So now there are two ratings; AAA+ and AA+. There may be a minus in there, somewhere. If your country is not AAA+ then you are falling into riots, bank defaults, tea parties.

Lets see some transparency in rating system. This problem is what got us here in the first place. We should take care of the fake rating system before we default, again.

Goldman, Settlement?

Goldman offers a billion dollars. The U.S. Government says, 'Na, we will take 691 million.'

These people created trillions of fraudulent sovereign debt bonds based on faulty U.S. mortgages.

They should go to jail!

This is not a serious attempt by the SEC to enforce the law.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Plug for Gulf Oil Leak

Since BP has refuses to use new technology designed and built by Americans.

Use White Phosphorus on a timer delay thin solid fuel rocket fired into the well.

The WP will heat the oil and silica to form a large plug. The explosion needs to be big enough to dislodge several hundred horizontal feet of sand. This will continue to burn WP for several hours. If WP does not work then use a low yield nuke. BP will not want to do this because it might irradiate the oil.

Still, this is better than what BP is doing.

But lets look at what BP has declined to use; Hair Booms, Bubble density oil water separators, vacuum systems...

President Obama, please take this catastrophe away from BP. This will take 10 years or more to remove the oil. BP refuses to even look at these new ideas. Let the developers of these new systems show up and bill BP.

BP has set the oil on fire. They have dumped toxic chemicals on the oil. They even suggested using trash and golf balls to fill the hole. Come on.

I think you should attach lead weights to BP executives and throw them overboard until they plug the giant hole they drilled.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Animal Spirits

So the stock market is now being run by Animal Spirits. Lets get naked and dance around the totem pole.

The next system

The next system

1:1 Capital Requirements

Only products available to consumer
Puts and Calls

Banks can physically trade currencies.
Currencies are commodities. If I want to take a trip to Europe. I can go to the bank and buy Euros. I must take possession of Euros; Debit card or cash

All Derivatives or products that do not have a 1:1 capital requirement, must be removed from the market. ETFs, funds, LBOs

We are still in fibrillation

There is no reason for this market to be moving up. Are we prepared for an arrest?

Capital Requirement

Capital requirements are to be 1:1

You cannot leverage any type of trading.

I wonder how visa feels when it pays a debt in a casino. Will it ever get its money back?

You still don't get it. The Interest Rate must be at %20+. We must stop these people from making money on fake transactions.

It is not Options trading that caused this problem. It was Derivatives.

Goldman to pay a billion to settle, Fuck off

The liars at Goldman and other investment banks knew what they were doing. I cannot accept they were so inept that they did not know the effect of their fraudulent and greedy actions. They destroyed our economy. They broke fiduciary laws.

So you want to return a billion of the 10 trillion that you stole. Finders Keepers. Fuck off. I hope they jail all your asses. I don't care what happens to you. You broke the known system. You have created so much long term damage. You have defeated the faith and credit of the American People. As far as I am concerned that is treason. And were at a time of war. Who knew.

Please do not settle for anything from Goldman and others. I don't care if they make a profit. I expect the system to work for all. They cannot be allowed to walk away with $9.999 trillion of our money.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Goldman, Always protect the lie.

Jim O'Neil, Goldman Sachs.

Do you really think the Euro is going to be stronger in a year? Germans have more personal debt then Greeks. Other than the trillion dollars taken from our economy, How do you see them making more money? What new ideas are coming from Euro-nations that will strengthen European sovereign debt?

The shit you sold them in the form of sovereign debt . When they default, this will mean they understand, you sold them shit. It does not mean they cannot pay the debt back.

You sold them debt that was knowingly improperly rated. You and yours caused this.

The beauty of this is that you cannot place your problems on other people, anymore. I will make sure that the people will not pay for your disaster again. Goldman will lose everything to pay for this fraud. The people of America won't. America does not need you to exist.

You are losing your secret systems. Even worse we have replaced your secret systems without you knowing. Anyone can do better with Scottrade, E-trade, or Options Express... The one thing our systems can not do is fuck-up the world economy. Your secret systems have repeatedly caused bubbles, crashes, wars and poverty. The system we built does not allow secret systems to exist in the real system.

You are betting on second, third, and fourth derivatives. This is like string theory. It contains many imaginary dimensions. Goldman Sachs sold third derivative products as full bonds.

For example the VIX is a second derivative product. It is the change of the value of the basic wealth of the objects involved. What these guys have done is created a product that is based on the change, in the change, of the value of the Full Faith and Credit of the people of the United States of America and sold it to other countries. Only the Senate can ratify treaties. Except Goldman.

Bloomberg deals with the bloggers

That was a sad commentary. Kids are going to lose their virginity because of bloggers? Really. We are having the largest economic collapse and this dude is worried about teenagers having sex. Sell them some condoms and make a buck.

Come on.

That Thompson dude was an idiot. He seems to be a lawyer, trolling for fools to pay him money to fight free speech. A battle he knowingly could not win.

If an individual or a group of people independently find that a propriety device made by, let say Pig&Grunt, is dangerous. Then they are allowed to discuss their findings with whomever they wish. That is the freedom of speech.

If your company secrets are so important. Then put them behind a firewall. That is why we built firewalls.

It is not like we have regulators to protect us. If I trusted the regulation system then I would not have this issue. Regulators use to be the best and brightest of all of us. It took a dozen idiots to manipulate a regulator. By the 80s, smart people were removed from regulation.

You actually think you can stop people like us? Especially with people like that. I took down the gravitational model of physics. I made sure Schwartz and company did not destroy our ability to produce new innovation. I am glad to see innovation expand. I am glad to see Oracle bought Sun.

We have seen civilizations die because people did not learn or implement the lessons learned. These bloggers make sure that these lessons are learned. Bloggers are the new regulators.

Bloggers are regulated by being correct. If a blogger bases an idea on a false premise then the nature of the internet destroys that incorrect premise and the blogger. If you can disprove what I say then please print it.

If your secret is that your product harms babies. I would do anything to help those mothers. But the mommy bloggers seem to be doing well on their own. They will destroy P&G or P&G will conform to their needs. P&G does not know what their customer wants. A product that does not harm the user. The users are talking about exactly what they want.

Aaron Guerami

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Commercial Bank Lending

Distributed Economics

This is a good article on Commercial Bank Lending and the money supply.

Friday, May 14, 2010

ETF Gold

Gold ETFs

When you own Gold ETFs, you do not own gold. You own the paper wrapped around the gold. How much is the wrapping paper around the gift, worth?

The more gold is worth the less you are worth.

Fees on Debit Cards

You people are really trying to destroy the economy with your ignorance. You are making this economy worse. You will decrease the usage of the system. You will increase usage of real cash.
Credit:Peter Eichenbaum - Bloomberg

When did The Senate stop looking 25 years in the future?

At a penny, the owners of the system are making $10 billion a day. The system was designed to cost .0000000001c per transaction. The actual charge of the system is .0001c per transaction. You are already making $1 million a day on a router.

You do this and you will decrease usage of the electronic system and real banks will need to replace the electronic cash. You are not limiting fees, you are introducing fees.

The person who thought of this should be fired/impeached. You should retaliate against lawmakers who voted on this. This will immediately choke the system.

This (our) system requires an equality between physical dollar and bank. What this will do is cause a disparate set of bank currencies. This will say my dollar is worth 1.8 Citibucks or 2.4 Wells Fargo bucks or 15639 HSBC bucks. This will create volatility within a bank.

I want to know who signed this bill, these people have no clue how the system works. I want to also know who introduced it, these people are paid puppets.

Debit Card transactions are used to replace physical cash. Debit card transactions cost nothing compared to physical transactions. There must be a 1:1 relationship between the debit card transaction and the physical dollar. You lose this and everything goes.

Credit cards transactions are support of this system. Fees are charged to this user because they are borrowing money. The user knows this.

This system cost about 1/2 penny for each user per month. This allowed the banks to charge the user. The bank charges $20+ per user for this network.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


We should be at 17%-21% interest rates. We should have 1+ years of inflation and then many years of recovery. Also cut the money supply. We must do these to reduce the collapse. The coming collapse will be in sovereign debt.

Who's Your Favorite Dick

The Rats are fleeing the sinking ship.

The largest owner of Transocean just sold all his shares. Won't spend a dime to clean the mess he created. What a dick!

Marsico Discusses Sale of Transocean, Goldman Shares

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another, Its kinda obvious

So, the EU needed a trillion dollars to backstop the coming debt crisis. We lost a trillion dollars on Thursday.

Not really a big bridge. There is a rule that the NYSE has for Special clients.

Our system of banking set up the bonds that are worth, well... They needed the money to support themselves.

So we the people are paying for treaties that The Issuer of debt created and the Senate did not ratify.
Wow, They lost a Trillion dollars and nobody knows where it went. That is what the investigators are saying.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Spike before the crash

A spike always precedes an economic crash by 3 days. I remember studying that somewhere.

By saying something it might relieve pressure.

This is from 50+ years of bad financial policy. A set of policies that is based on the 'Me'.

I also noticed the congress had a meeting last week on the 'Shadow Banking System', 6am-7am Thursday morning(5/6/2010). This is what caused the spike. Whatever occurred at that meeting caused this spike. I assume someone could not cover their losses.

The crash will occur Tuesday or Wednesday. Crashes are generally 10 times the size of the spike.

The background noise changes after the spike. I can see real damage to the system in the form of devaluation.

And quit blaming the Greeks for this. They did not cause this. Goldman and others caused this. You are saying is that our house of cards could not withstand the Greeks.

This was cause because the people who run the system no longer can afford to support the system. This system is failing because of open source information and regulation. We must have this failure in order to fix the problem. We are transforming into an open source information economy. It was the failure in the structure of the system that caused this, not the display of information.

Oh, Please do not hurt yourself when the symbol's apparent value is equal it's real value.

Our economy is based on gamblers instead of analysis.
9:45 est 5/10/2010
A 32% change in the VIX does not equate to stability.
It is a sign of failure. We are having an arrest of the system. This is fibrillation.

10:25 est 5/10/2010
Moody's the outsourced regulator of the current system is down 12+%. This is another sign of failure of the system.

10:45 est 5/10/2010
Fannie Mae's need for $8b shows the failure of the system of origination of money.

11:18 est 5/10/2010
If $1 trillion was taken from the system on Thursday, then we can expect that there were $10 trillion worth of derivatives that were fraudulent or poorly constructed.

Automated systems did not cause this. Automation showed the problems.

11:47 est 5/10/2010
The Euro is not the problem either. The issuers and raters of debt created this problem. The issuers of debt used known fraudulent information to create debt vehicles.

12:33 est 5/10/2010
It is nice to see the Turks are helping the Greeks.


Dear Moody's,
So today is the day you sort of, kinda rated Greek debt. Good Job, for doing you job. Kinda.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

So this is what is happening

This is what I have been trying to say, and most people look at me as if I am nuts. I am afraid to talk about most of the ideas. People react with fear.

One of my arguments, by just following the rules of the Constitution we would solve many problems, like unemployment. Article 1 Section 2 Clause 3 says we should have 11,000 members of The House. It would employ a million people directly and many more in indirect support. We would use current tools like search engines, forums, users... It would cost next to nothing to build this analog to digital conversion infrastructure.

I see people's idea structures fall into chaos when I describe this problem. This is the problem I have. If the solution is not tested by the people, they will not understand the argument. I need to know the solution is already completed before I release the problem to the courts to argue.

By increasing the nodes, you are reducing the error. This is the basis of neural networks. This is how a brain or a collective works. The basis of the Constitution is a neural network.

I don't think it is necessary to have a succession movement. Just follow the rules of the Constitution. This representation system has never been implemented.

There are certain things that I can do to be of benefit to all.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

State of Florida - Oil spill

This oil spill will destroy our state.

We need to be able to deploy containment booms completely around the state. We must contain the slick before it reaches that flow of water.

We have the boats and willing workers to do this. We need many layers of containment barriers. We need ships that can vacuum the oil off the surface of the ocean and pump it into super tankers. We need statewide organization to manage this now.

We will lose our coast if this is not done now!

This is preventable. This will educate people to protect our coast from these major catastrophes. This will pay fisherman to protect their business. This should provide 10000 jobs. And a feeling of invincibility to the state government.

Get it done now.
This must be a Dunkirk event.

Friday, April 16, 2010

SEC sues Goldman

It is about time. This occurred through out wall street.

I hope this is not a Martha Stewart thing. These people created synthetic products to create fraud.

Monday, April 12, 2010

AC grid failure

If there is a major failure of the AC grid in Florida, there are not enough people who know how to repair the system. This is the reason why our national electric grid is in so much peril.

I am watching a crew fix the power grid in our back. Amanda asked them, where they were from? North of Titusville. We are in West Palm Beach. He told her, there are 4 crews that maintain the area from Broward County to South Georgia.

We must train new repair personnel to fix our grid. The State of Florida needs to put money into infrastructure and training, not marketing.

It is important to realize that the more money FPL makes in profit, the more catastrophic the failure will be. That should be obvious.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Off Balance sheet

What the hell is that? That means you are intentionally having transactions off the books. That is not suppose to be legal.

You were hiding your transactions from regulators and shareholders. This is fraud! I don't care if it was, voted, legal. Then the politicians should also go to jail for legalizing fraud. That can be called treason. Purposefully creating fraud against the American people is treason.

Is the only scheme that is illegal the Pyramid Scheme. Risk schemes are not illegal. You all understand that risk schemes are far more dangerous than pyramid schemes. Legalized risk is regulated insurance.

The concept of derivatives

The man (Bob Lamb - NYU Stern School of Business) who was talking to Margret Brennen right now is correct. There were more derivatives allowed to be issued then were ever allowed. It use to be impossible to get options on stocks.

These structured derivatives we being sold at a far larger volume then common stock. A derivative has almost no value. It is derived from a structure that has a little more than no value, common stock. This means a company had no value because the underlying derivative had taken all the value from the stock.

Models of risk

It astounds me that the rating system of mortgages allowed for such high levels of AAA ratings. It should be next to impossible to get a AAA rating. AAA ratings should never exceed less than 1% of all mortgages.

I'm an American, and I can see that US debt cannot hold a AAA rating. 50% of all the subprime mortgages defaulted. This is 30% of all mortgages. This should reduce our sovereign debt rating.

We must go through the dismantling of our problems to start the solutions. We must go through inflation to solve the economic disaster. We must put those who created the problem in jail. The created a fraudulent model. They created nothing more then a inverse risk scheme. This is a fraud. They told their customers misinformation about risk models. They rewarded fictional hallucinatory stories about risk modeling by paying bonuses to those who could lie the best.

We must take our medicine like inflation in certain areas of the economy and deflation in certain areas.

I am angry. Regulators , board members, rating agencies and journalists failed purposefully. These failures have legal and economic implications. This means there are criminal laws that need to be in-forced and fines extracted.

Robert Rubin did not know what was going on

Robert Rubin premise that the Boards should not know what it going on at the lower levels. "A board could not know what is in the books". Who are you kidding? That is your fiduciary responsibility of that position.

It is a board's responsibility to know what its employees are doing!!!

Bloomberg is covering for idiots

Today at 8:48am you had an idiot on and did not even try to refute the jack ass statements he was making. At this point these idiots don't want to go to jail!!!. They will say anything to stay out of jail. They know what they did. They made fraudulent products that decimated our economy. These people must go to jail.

The worst part was your reporters did not even question the idiot. I think the idiot's name was peter walison.

This is the reason to stop watching bloomberg. I watch bloomberg every day for many hours. I cannot believe you let the man get away with this. If they could not see this coming, then they should go to jail. You are allowing the rich to continue this fundamental failure. We see it in the way products are still being sold.

This is fraud! Large numbers of these people should go to jail for this.

I saw this coming and I am just a disabled epileptic.

These people took down economies. Bloomberg is just as culpable as the idiots because you are failing to report. You are just agreeing that they had no idea this was occurring.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oil Fraud

This is from Bloomberg, Oil Falls After Report Shows Bigger-Than-Forecast Supply Gain

It is not possible to have a weekly report of oil inventory barrels off by 8 million barrels. This is an obvious fraud. In this day and age of technology, it is not possible for Fred Flintstone to be off by 8 million barrels. Did we lose a couple dozen super-tankers? Were the tankers payment for something?

This 80 dollar fraud will crash naturally under the weight of the fraud. It will take down the oil companies. You did this to yourselves. You have no-one to blame but yourselves. I have no sympathy for those rich people who's business plan was based on how well they could lie their way out of such widespread fraud. You are the ones paying people to lie to you and take your money.

Shareholders will lose and the executives will walk. What do I care? I have no vested interest in oil. I just want to see shareholders prosecute executives for fraud. I want to see these people go to jail.