Monday, May 10, 2010

Spike before the crash

A spike always precedes an economic crash by 3 days. I remember studying that somewhere.

By saying something it might relieve pressure.

This is from 50+ years of bad financial policy. A set of policies that is based on the 'Me'.

I also noticed the congress had a meeting last week on the 'Shadow Banking System', 6am-7am Thursday morning(5/6/2010). This is what caused the spike. Whatever occurred at that meeting caused this spike. I assume someone could not cover their losses.

The crash will occur Tuesday or Wednesday. Crashes are generally 10 times the size of the spike.

The background noise changes after the spike. I can see real damage to the system in the form of devaluation.

And quit blaming the Greeks for this. They did not cause this. Goldman and others caused this. You are saying is that our house of cards could not withstand the Greeks.

This was cause because the people who run the system no longer can afford to support the system. This system is failing because of open source information and regulation. We must have this failure in order to fix the problem. We are transforming into an open source information economy. It was the failure in the structure of the system that caused this, not the display of information.

Oh, Please do not hurt yourself when the symbol's apparent value is equal it's real value.

Our economy is based on gamblers instead of analysis.
9:45 est 5/10/2010
A 32% change in the VIX does not equate to stability.
It is a sign of failure. We are having an arrest of the system. This is fibrillation.

10:25 est 5/10/2010
Moody's the outsourced regulator of the current system is down 12+%. This is another sign of failure of the system.

10:45 est 5/10/2010
Fannie Mae's need for $8b shows the failure of the system of origination of money.

11:18 est 5/10/2010
If $1 trillion was taken from the system on Thursday, then we can expect that there were $10 trillion worth of derivatives that were fraudulent or poorly constructed.

Automated systems did not cause this. Automation showed the problems.

11:47 est 5/10/2010
The Euro is not the problem either. The issuers and raters of debt created this problem. The issuers of debt used known fraudulent information to create debt vehicles.

12:33 est 5/10/2010
It is nice to see the Turks are helping the Greeks.


Dear Moody's,
So today is the day you sort of, kinda rated Greek debt. Good Job, for doing you job. Kinda.

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