Monday, May 17, 2010

Bloomberg deals with the bloggers

That was a sad commentary. Kids are going to lose their virginity because of bloggers? Really. We are having the largest economic collapse and this dude is worried about teenagers having sex. Sell them some condoms and make a buck.

Come on.

That Thompson dude was an idiot. He seems to be a lawyer, trolling for fools to pay him money to fight free speech. A battle he knowingly could not win.

If an individual or a group of people independently find that a propriety device made by, let say Pig&Grunt, is dangerous. Then they are allowed to discuss their findings with whomever they wish. That is the freedom of speech.

If your company secrets are so important. Then put them behind a firewall. That is why we built firewalls.

It is not like we have regulators to protect us. If I trusted the regulation system then I would not have this issue. Regulators use to be the best and brightest of all of us. It took a dozen idiots to manipulate a regulator. By the 80s, smart people were removed from regulation.

You actually think you can stop people like us? Especially with people like that. I took down the gravitational model of physics. I made sure Schwartz and company did not destroy our ability to produce new innovation. I am glad to see innovation expand. I am glad to see Oracle bought Sun.

We have seen civilizations die because people did not learn or implement the lessons learned. These bloggers make sure that these lessons are learned. Bloggers are the new regulators.

Bloggers are regulated by being correct. If a blogger bases an idea on a false premise then the nature of the internet destroys that incorrect premise and the blogger. If you can disprove what I say then please print it.

If your secret is that your product harms babies. I would do anything to help those mothers. But the mommy bloggers seem to be doing well on their own. They will destroy P&G or P&G will conform to their needs. P&G does not know what their customer wants. A product that does not harm the user. The users are talking about exactly what they want.

Aaron Guerami

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