Monday, May 17, 2010

Goldman, Always protect the lie.

Jim O'Neil, Goldman Sachs.

Do you really think the Euro is going to be stronger in a year? Germans have more personal debt then Greeks. Other than the trillion dollars taken from our economy, How do you see them making more money? What new ideas are coming from Euro-nations that will strengthen European sovereign debt?

The shit you sold them in the form of sovereign debt . When they default, this will mean they understand, you sold them shit. It does not mean they cannot pay the debt back.

You sold them debt that was knowingly improperly rated. You and yours caused this.

The beauty of this is that you cannot place your problems on other people, anymore. I will make sure that the people will not pay for your disaster again. Goldman will lose everything to pay for this fraud. The people of America won't. America does not need you to exist.

You are losing your secret systems. Even worse we have replaced your secret systems without you knowing. Anyone can do better with Scottrade, E-trade, or Options Express... The one thing our systems can not do is fuck-up the world economy. Your secret systems have repeatedly caused bubbles, crashes, wars and poverty. The system we built does not allow secret systems to exist in the real system.

You are betting on second, third, and fourth derivatives. This is like string theory. It contains many imaginary dimensions. Goldman Sachs sold third derivative products as full bonds.

For example the VIX is a second derivative product. It is the change of the value of the basic wealth of the objects involved. What these guys have done is created a product that is based on the change, in the change, of the value of the Full Faith and Credit of the people of the United States of America and sold it to other countries. Only the Senate can ratify treaties. Except Goldman.

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