Friday, June 25, 2010

Hanke- Shows us some proof of your argument

Almost everything you said except the Supreme Court line, which has nothing to do with the Administration, is propaganda. You are aware of the separation of powers in the Constitution?

You have to show some validity to the point you made about the Imperialist Administration. Otherwise it is nothing more than teaparty propaganda. Bullshit as it were.

There is no validity to your argument. The banks failed because of horrible regulation. Not fear of regulation. That is crap. You teach this to students? No wonder we go through these cycles so quickly. You are obviously unaware of the history of what happens when you quit regulating. You obviously teach Reagan-omics. That has worked so very well we are now in a depression.

This depression did not show up the day Obama took power. It took years of idiots deregulating and usurping the power of the people to get here.

Economies are games. Games are rule based systems. A game is successful when its rules are interesting and defined. The fewer rules a game has, the greater the chance of failure. This is called Discrete Mathematics or Game Theory. You are at a university, take it. Professor Harrington is teaching 180.215 Game Theory and the Social Sciences.

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