Sunday, May 9, 2010

So this is what is happening

This is what I have been trying to say, and most people look at me as if I am nuts. I am afraid to talk about most of the ideas. People react with fear.

One of my arguments, by just following the rules of the Constitution we would solve many problems, like unemployment. Article 1 Section 2 Clause 3 says we should have 11,000 members of The House. It would employ a million people directly and many more in indirect support. We would use current tools like search engines, forums, users... It would cost next to nothing to build this analog to digital conversion infrastructure.

I see people's idea structures fall into chaos when I describe this problem. This is the problem I have. If the solution is not tested by the people, they will not understand the argument. I need to know the solution is already completed before I release the problem to the courts to argue.

By increasing the nodes, you are reducing the error. This is the basis of neural networks. This is how a brain or a collective works. The basis of the Constitution is a neural network.

I don't think it is necessary to have a succession movement. Just follow the rules of the Constitution. This representation system has never been implemented.

There are certain things that I can do to be of benefit to all.

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