Thursday, April 8, 2010

Models of risk

It astounds me that the rating system of mortgages allowed for such high levels of AAA ratings. It should be next to impossible to get a AAA rating. AAA ratings should never exceed less than 1% of all mortgages.

I'm an American, and I can see that US debt cannot hold a AAA rating. 50% of all the subprime mortgages defaulted. This is 30% of all mortgages. This should reduce our sovereign debt rating.

We must go through the dismantling of our problems to start the solutions. We must go through inflation to solve the economic disaster. We must put those who created the problem in jail. The created a fraudulent model. They created nothing more then a inverse risk scheme. This is a fraud. They told their customers misinformation about risk models. They rewarded fictional hallucinatory stories about risk modeling by paying bonuses to those who could lie the best.

We must take our medicine like inflation in certain areas of the economy and deflation in certain areas.

I am angry. Regulators , board members, rating agencies and journalists failed purposefully. These failures have legal and economic implications. This means there are criminal laws that need to be in-forced and fines extracted.

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