Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Spain's AAA rating

Please tell me that none of you saw this coming. Really the downgrade of the AAA of Spain's Debt was a total shock to all of you on wall street.

That is like not knowing that betting against your own products is a bad thing. Or the US has a unemployment problem.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Senate and simple majority

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that all/any bills must pass with a 60 vote majority. All bills before the Senate must pass with a simple majority and the Vice President would only vote in a tie.

Only a simple majority is required to pass bills in the Senate. Read the Constitution! Article I Section 3

If you need help I will read it to you.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Transparency in credit and banking

As usual, Dick Bove is absolutely correct!!!! You should put what he has said on a video and put it on youtube. I would like to place his interview on this posting.

I wish he would speak every day! I may have to change the song.

Transparency and separation will benefit our economy.

Hanke- Shows us some proof of your argument

Almost everything you said except the Supreme Court line, which has nothing to do with the Administration, is propaganda. You are aware of the separation of powers in the Constitution?

You have to show some validity to the point you made about the Imperialist Administration. Otherwise it is nothing more than teaparty propaganda. Bullshit as it were.

There is no validity to your argument. The banks failed because of horrible regulation. Not fear of regulation. That is crap. You teach this to students? No wonder we go through these cycles so quickly. You are obviously unaware of the history of what happens when you quit regulating. You obviously teach Reagan-omics. That has worked so very well we are now in a depression.

This depression did not show up the day Obama took power. It took years of idiots deregulating and usurping the power of the people to get here.

Economies are games. Games are rule based systems. A game is successful when its rules are interesting and defined. The fewer rules a game has, the greater the chance of failure. This is called Discrete Mathematics or Game Theory. You are at a university, take it. Professor Harrington is teaching 180.215 Game Theory and the Social Sciences.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Supreme Court sides with criminals

There is no Justice! Even when justice is dispensed it is overturned. How many fraudsters are allowed to go free?

Let them move derivatives overseas

If people did not learn from our mistakes, let them learn the hard way. Their failures will improve our economy.

Really, it will take a few more months to gauge the demand for housing.

Where do you get these idiots? The only way to increase demand for housing is to destroy 3.89 million vacant homes. That should be obvious.

When you have 3.8 million vacant homes you have and oversupply. Thus demand goes down.

BP Execs did not understand risk involved in murder by ignorance

Bloomberg, 06/24/2010

So Davis tells us that a board member of an oil company should not be responsible for understanding the risk involved in the work they do. Really?

So you build a 5000 foot explosive lightning rod and when it explodes you are not responsible. Why are you not responsible? This is not the first time you have had no idea what you are doing. I just finished watching "Gasland" on HBO. Wow,

Not only did you not understand the risk involved in what you were doing, but you removed the redundancies involved in reducing the risk to make more money. If you did not know what you were doing what the fuck were you getting paid for? What you did was murder. Do you need someone to tell you that you murdered people, destroyed oceans, contaminated food? You murdered people. You should be arrested.

You know the risk. You have heavily armed security guards protecting your buildings. Nicely dressed they are.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse. I am not talking about the bullshit laws that you wrote and bribed through the Bush government. I am talking about the laws of natural selection and physics will destroy you. Even the old people I hear from think you should be executed. Their flippancy is, 'The oil executives, politicians and bureaucrat knowingly committed murder, they should executed.'

Davis quit as a board member of BP, but still is a member of the General Motors board. It is no wonder that company failed. This man should flee and live with Cheney in Dubai.

Again I want to remind everyone that the oil collected between the valve and the surface of the ocean is not the property of BP. It becomes the property of the collector. That is salvage law.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I am serious, Mr. President, You need to nuke the flow.

We have several small yield nukes. You need to use this concept to stop this disaster. I don't think the people of Louisiana understand, they have lost their oil resource. They lost it when they and the feds refused to oversee basic safety concerns.

This will also create a moratorium.

This is not something that can be done with a conventional explosive. The flow will push the less dense conventional explosive out of the hole.

If you allow this to continue you will be paying the British and Europeans to clean their shores.

This process has been done before. The sooner the better.

Aaron Guerami

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pumping oil

There are giant oil balls floating in the Gulf. Why are we not pumping the oil into supertankers? We have water pumping tugs. Dump a hose into the middle of these oil bubbles and pump it out of the ocean. Several tugs could pump the oil out of the bubbles faster than it is being excreted.

This is not rocket science. I am getting angry. I want to see ships pumping this oil now. Since this incompetence has gone on too long, I will use that incompetence against every incompetent person involved. From BP to the Dept of Interior.

The reason bp used dispersant was to halt salvage rights.

A supertanker can be filled in 8 hours. There are at least 4.3 millions of barrels of oil floating in the gulf. That oil is free, go get it kids. Even fishing ships can hold oil. The ship will need to be cleaned later but for small families to get 1000 barrels of oil, that is $80,000. That is decent money in these times.

The Navy and Coast Guard should protect the salvage of the oil. This is necessary to prevent greedy people from shooting at each other. Require that salvage ships identify themselves to the government.

It is nice to see JAVA survive

All those tools would have gone poof. I am so glad that Oracle stepped up and realized the (not the potential, but the necessity) or the importance of this language/toolset.

There is a JAVA devcon coming soon. There are free tools. There are new ideas. There is eclipse support.

Thanks for realizing the importance of these ideas will again bring profit, but not the consistent billions. The loss of these ideas would have made the oil disaster look tame. These are tools, keep them sharp.

The next thing I want to see is you teach your children to build factories for complete computing manufacturing. It is so important that we are able to build large quantities of computers here.

Om mani padme hum.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Common Practice does not justify treason

It is not that Goldman should settle with the SEC. It is that the government should prosecute Goldman. This behavior is criminal. In that only the Senate can ratify what Goldman did.

Americans cannot create debt for other sovereign nations. In order to issue debt to a foreign nation, the President of the United States must through the State Department must create the system of payment. Then and only then the Senate must agree with a 2/3 majority.

This is nothing less then treason. To circumvent the government in foreign affairs is treason.

I cannot believe you people have not read the Constitution of the United States of America. It is extremely explicit in these matters.

Monday, June 7, 2010


So you are promoting RIG, but are unwilling to buy RIG. What an ass.

Goldman has pissed off the Chinese

Wow, The Senate allowed Goldman to ratify treaties with China.

Good luck,

The Value of Geeks

Remember, If it wasn't for us geeks, you idiots would not have a job!

Truth is I can replace a talking head with an RSS feed. A single line of code. I like you at Bloomberg. May I suggest that interviewing people like that idiot on tape. You can remove the geek comment before airing it.

Go to west Africa

We are going to lose 7800 Deep water oil rig jobs. It is not like the execs listed to the safety personnel. These multi hundred million dollar rigs will destroy themselves. Keep drilling until you kill all your executives. Make sure they are there when the safety devices fail to work because they are not maintained or even there.

If the Gov of Miss is really incapable of making a choice between safety and toxic waste, his constituents need to re-evaluate his position. Good Job GOP, again you back with full force, the incompetent. What a joke.

I've got one question for the Gov. How many fishing and tourism jobs did you lose? Did you give any of that money BP gave you to the fisherman?

Since there are ~33 oil platforms. Each platform loses ~50000 barrels a day. At what point does the oil push all the water out of the gulf. It is not like oil exec will insist on safety.

The hole is 19" in diameter. You are losing more than a barrel a second. At minimum that is 86400 barrels a day.

How much are they capturing. They should be able to tell you the volume they are collecting. Is is half of 5000 barrels?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Nuking the well

Dear President Obama,

It seems we are having a conversation through the Colbert Nation about how 'Crazy' it would be to Nuke the well. I don't see that you will have much of a choice.

You are now in charge of the largest man-made disaster ever. That group at BP is incompetent. The best thing they have done is get James Cameron involved. So now we get to see it in 3d.

1) Is it possible? Do we have the package? Yes, 155mm. Does it need modification?

2) You need to ask people to simulate the effect of the 155 at different depths. NCSA could produce a simulation in a couple of days of receiving the necessary data. The deeper the better.

3) This has been done before. Please ask the Russians for help.

4) Make sure seismographs are placed through out the Gulf to record the event. It is also necessary to test gamma-ray detectors satellites.

The reason the nuke is necessary is because the plug needs to become a couple hundred meters in diameter. Far larger then the diameter pipe. It needs to instantly change the silicon to glass.

Nothing else will do this.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Still in fibrillation

The Dow is down 6 and the Nasdaq is down 10, 12. Ahhhhh.