Friday, April 16, 2010

SEC sues Goldman

It is about time. This occurred through out wall street.

I hope this is not a Martha Stewart thing. These people created synthetic products to create fraud.

Monday, April 12, 2010

AC grid failure

If there is a major failure of the AC grid in Florida, there are not enough people who know how to repair the system. This is the reason why our national electric grid is in so much peril.

I am watching a crew fix the power grid in our back. Amanda asked them, where they were from? North of Titusville. We are in West Palm Beach. He told her, there are 4 crews that maintain the area from Broward County to South Georgia.

We must train new repair personnel to fix our grid. The State of Florida needs to put money into infrastructure and training, not marketing.

It is important to realize that the more money FPL makes in profit, the more catastrophic the failure will be. That should be obvious.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Off Balance sheet

What the hell is that? That means you are intentionally having transactions off the books. That is not suppose to be legal.

You were hiding your transactions from regulators and shareholders. This is fraud! I don't care if it was, voted, legal. Then the politicians should also go to jail for legalizing fraud. That can be called treason. Purposefully creating fraud against the American people is treason.

Is the only scheme that is illegal the Pyramid Scheme. Risk schemes are not illegal. You all understand that risk schemes are far more dangerous than pyramid schemes. Legalized risk is regulated insurance.

The concept of derivatives

The man (Bob Lamb - NYU Stern School of Business) who was talking to Margret Brennen right now is correct. There were more derivatives allowed to be issued then were ever allowed. It use to be impossible to get options on stocks.

These structured derivatives we being sold at a far larger volume then common stock. A derivative has almost no value. It is derived from a structure that has a little more than no value, common stock. This means a company had no value because the underlying derivative had taken all the value from the stock.

Models of risk

It astounds me that the rating system of mortgages allowed for such high levels of AAA ratings. It should be next to impossible to get a AAA rating. AAA ratings should never exceed less than 1% of all mortgages.

I'm an American, and I can see that US debt cannot hold a AAA rating. 50% of all the subprime mortgages defaulted. This is 30% of all mortgages. This should reduce our sovereign debt rating.

We must go through the dismantling of our problems to start the solutions. We must go through inflation to solve the economic disaster. We must put those who created the problem in jail. The created a fraudulent model. They created nothing more then a inverse risk scheme. This is a fraud. They told their customers misinformation about risk models. They rewarded fictional hallucinatory stories about risk modeling by paying bonuses to those who could lie the best.

We must take our medicine like inflation in certain areas of the economy and deflation in certain areas.

I am angry. Regulators , board members, rating agencies and journalists failed purposefully. These failures have legal and economic implications. This means there are criminal laws that need to be in-forced and fines extracted.

Robert Rubin did not know what was going on

Robert Rubin premise that the Boards should not know what it going on at the lower levels. "A board could not know what is in the books". Who are you kidding? That is your fiduciary responsibility of that position.

It is a board's responsibility to know what its employees are doing!!!

Bloomberg is covering for idiots

Today at 8:48am you had an idiot on and did not even try to refute the jack ass statements he was making. At this point these idiots don't want to go to jail!!!. They will say anything to stay out of jail. They know what they did. They made fraudulent products that decimated our economy. These people must go to jail.

The worst part was your reporters did not even question the idiot. I think the idiot's name was peter walison.

This is the reason to stop watching bloomberg. I watch bloomberg every day for many hours. I cannot believe you let the man get away with this. If they could not see this coming, then they should go to jail. You are allowing the rich to continue this fundamental failure. We see it in the way products are still being sold.

This is fraud! Large numbers of these people should go to jail for this.

I saw this coming and I am just a disabled epileptic.

These people took down economies. Bloomberg is just as culpable as the idiots because you are failing to report. You are just agreeing that they had no idea this was occurring.