Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wall street: Using Jails to Market Large Banks

This is from Bloomberg. Big Banks Begin Effort to Improve Image, Set ’Record Straight’

These people gambled our business industry away. They gambled countries GDP. They committed fraud and manipulation. The executives and employees who participated during the 0 decade should go to jail for major destruction of our country. They knew what they were doing. This was all based on greed.

The only way to 'Revamp the image of the economy' is to put these people, en mass, in jail. They broke their fiduciary obligation. White collar crime is far more damaging then any other crime but violence. White collar crime is massive scale theft. White collar crime will cause war and violence.

People will come along and try to make shit smell like roses.

This is another important story from Bloomberg. Rich Pumped for Fees in Banking Conflict of Interest

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