Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oil Fraud

This is from Bloomberg, Oil Falls After Report Shows Bigger-Than-Forecast Supply Gain

It is not possible to have a weekly report of oil inventory barrels off by 8 million barrels. This is an obvious fraud. In this day and age of technology, it is not possible for Fred Flintstone to be off by 8 million barrels. Did we lose a couple dozen super-tankers? Were the tankers payment for something?

This 80 dollar fraud will crash naturally under the weight of the fraud. It will take down the oil companies. You did this to yourselves. You have no-one to blame but yourselves. I have no sympathy for those rich people who's business plan was based on how well they could lie their way out of such widespread fraud. You are the ones paying people to lie to you and take your money.

Shareholders will lose and the executives will walk. What do I care? I have no vested interest in oil. I just want to see shareholders prosecute executives for fraud. I want to see these people go to jail.

Wall street: Using Jails to Market Large Banks

This is from Bloomberg. Big Banks Begin Effort to Improve Image, Set ’Record Straight’

These people gambled our business industry away. They gambled countries GDP. They committed fraud and manipulation. The executives and employees who participated during the 0 decade should go to jail for major destruction of our country. They knew what they were doing. This was all based on greed.

The only way to 'Revamp the image of the economy' is to put these people, en mass, in jail. They broke their fiduciary obligation. White collar crime is far more damaging then any other crime but violence. White collar crime is massive scale theft. White collar crime will cause war and violence.

People will come along and try to make shit smell like roses.

This is another important story from Bloomberg. Rich Pumped for Fees in Banking Conflict of Interest

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Expanding bandwidth

I listened to the FCC Chairman discuss bandwidth expansion. This is the first necessary infrastructure needed to begin Art 1. Sec 2. Cl 3. representation. I was impressed.

Wide distribution of infrastructure is necessary for our nation. Yes the network and security are already widely distributed through every router/modem, but we can build in EMR and Education into these devices.

These devices should be built in the US. We should have only our factories build these. For that extension of education to industry.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wide scale fraud investigation

This paper was written by Amanda Griffin-Weil. She is studying to be a criminologist.

Fraud Investigations

"Algorithms are delicate; slight variations, quality of data, attention (or the lack of) can create data sets that subtly inform the model to display what the processor wishes to see. Analysts are in the unique position of only seeing what is there."

These ideas should be implemented for federal investigators. She explains this distinction in this truly important paper.

We can easily see fraud. We need to convert intelligence analysts into economic protection analysts.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Wall Street failure continues

You cannot continue to allow Wall Street to gamble our business away. There are no changes being made to the system. This will happen again until CEO's realize They cannot make money through both ends. You either make money from your customers and give it you the shareholders in the form of dividends or you make money from your shareholders and give it to your customers as product.

You cannot have it both ways in one place. Wall Street employees should not know anything about raising capital for new or expanding business. That part of Wall Street should move to California or Florida. The Wall Street system domain should only include paying profits to shareholders. Anything else is a conflict of interest.

Insurance should move to Vegas. They understand risk/reward. These systems should move away from each other. They are inherently dangerous as a single unit. This single unit system is capable of causing war.