Thursday, August 2, 2012

Arthur Levitt on Bloomberg

I agree with everything Mr. Levitt said on Bloomberg today.

Congress is not doing their job. I tried to sue the Government for accurate representation under Art.1 Sec.2 Cl.3 I was told that even though I am an American Citizen by birth, I lacked the heritage to come before the court. By changing back to 1 to 30000 representation, the people will have a congress that is for the people. Congress would form an instant neural network. And most of the politics and opacity will instantly fall from congress.

We have the tools to do this. Any large business already does this internally. Use Linux and it will cost will be minimal.

Friday, June 22, 2012

QE3 Kashkari's Bloomberg Interview

I agree with Mr. Kashkari. But since QE3 is required to stimulate growth. Our lending institutions must be forced to lend that money to small and intermediate size business. That forced lending will be the only way the economy will start to wiggle room through employment and production. The production side is the engine that will strengthen the infrastructure.

20% of QE3 should be set aside for small and midsize startups. I have a current project that I am completing alone but I could use the help of 20 people this year and increase by factors in subsequent years.

QE3 needs to happen now! By Executive Order!!! Consider this payment to the American People for the COMPLETE f*** up called fast and furious.

Thank you Mr. Kashkari for the important interview.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Boycotting Oil Prices

To say that the global oil price of oil is caused by Iran is ludacris. This latest two dollar per gallon increase is a process of careful planning of media. Americans need to stop buying gasoline one day a week. We as a group should decide the day using social media and stick to it. Even if the oil companies drop the retail price by $2.00 per gallon. In a free economy it is the consumer who ultimately determines the price that they will pay for any product. Aaron Guerami

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Opinions by Bloomberg Interviewers is not acceptable

Dear Bloomberg. Please quit allowing the personal views of the interviewer to be discussed. I don't care about the view of the intervewier. It is not relevent to any discussion. Refusing to take responsibility for decimating our economy is why most of us, will not ever fall into a Republican trap again. We will aggressivly build transparency tools. I like the mentor prorgams. They are an aggressive tool to help startups. All the other tools you have are awesome. Thanks Aaron Guerami

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Brightest Minds flew our Economy into the Ground!

It is discusting to say America's best and brightest are either in Wall Street or D.C. These are greedy little gamblers who created a pool to buy and sell tiny bits of equity at high profits. If the rules of the pool allow for urine and feces to fill from above then nobody will play in your pool. Enjoy that trickle down effect. Its about time that 100% of Wall Street's employees and directors realizes they too are just tools for the 1%. The power and income disparity will cause a buffer between them and the law. They will dump you when the lights and sirens turn on. Good Luck