Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The failure of Mortgage Backed Securities

Its a simple scam. Which says, if I say enough, the client will ignore the obvious. The model lacks the insurance to cover the failure. It will fail over time, "Because, not everybody in America will foreclose at the same time". This was shown in the freddies which, if not bailed out would have extended the insurance failure into the owners of the stupid product. Then the failure is shared across the number of slices. That is a undercoverage of 10^12 to 10^16 minimium. And that was the oxygen that fueled the fire.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bankers driving on black ice

Dealing with inflation, or driving on black ice. As much as it seems strange. Open lending at high rates and let the market push them down. Do not think you can inverse this. That lack of evaluating risk got us here. Steer into the deviation.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Nice job Mr. President

One very complex problem was removed from the international economy. Oil. The missle factory destruction will remove much of the fear in the oil markets and is the peak of radicalism. So Along with all the other issues solved today, Good Job.