Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The failure of Mortgage Backed Securities

Its a simple scam. Which says, if I say enough, the client will ignore the obvious. The model lacks the insurance to cover the failure. It will fail over time, "Because, not everybody in America will foreclose at the same time". This was shown in the freddies which, if not bailed out would have extended the insurance failure into the owners of the stupid product. Then the failure is shared across the number of slices. That is a undercoverage of 10^12 to 10^16 minimium. And that was the oxygen that fueled the fire.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bankers driving on black ice

Dealing with inflation, or driving on black ice. As much as it seems strange. Open lending at high rates and let the market push them down. Do not think you can inverse this. That lack of evaluating risk got us here. Steer into the deviation.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Nice job Mr. President

One very complex problem was removed from the international economy. Oil. The missle factory destruction will remove much of the fear in the oil markets and is the peak of radicalism. So Along with all the other issues solved today, Good Job.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Inflation problems at the fed.

My fear since 2007 was how the bursting of the housing bubble would affect inflation. I was correct.

Inflation is used to relate soverign currency to each other and then modified by commodities. This is wrong!

Inflation must be above 10% current. The economy must be allowed to inflate else it will contract. If we don not agree on prices then an object cannot be a commoditity. If inflation is being held down it will find the weakest parts of the economy. Those right now are the least transparant to the shareholders.

Do not be afraid of inflation. It is the puss of a marketing bubble.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Issue new bonds at aa- for rebuilding.

Leave QE3 for small and mid sized business. Start new bonds at a higher rate for construction, but the GDP will have risen.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Changing Flash Mob's behavior

This is a serious problem and will have implications on network usage.

These will be dangerous until guilt prevades.

We must use flash mob mentality to benefit society. Support shelters... help habitat for humanity. Do what you want.

Create compassionate flash mobs

Monday, June 6, 2011

Using local banks as SBA distribution

QE1 was required to support the system
QE2 was required to support large job projects.

Both systems worked. Though their effvectiveness can be debated.

QE3 must support small business.
Money must be lent to existing small business for operations and basic spending. This is the fastest way to dristribute stability into the market at this time.

Make it easier to get SBA products through the non tier one/two banks are allowed to sell.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Reasonable words from PIMCO

I saw Bill Gross on BloombergTv. His logic and reasonable behavior allowed me to get past his previous discussions. He is right to push the savings rate.

Good Job

Friday, March 25, 2011

Dick Parson's quasi-regret

Dick Parson states 'they did not' see and prepare for problems. On that statement, any shareholders and account holders should demand someone who will provide structure strength and support this company through the unstarted transition and into company stability.

This board must be replaced and now before this srtucture fails. It has forgotton how to make money as a bank.

I am willing to take the time to fix Citigroup.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mozilla Conundrum

Not showing page hits?

Let's walk this through before a line of code is written. How does the bank know it truly is talking with its customer?

Then Apache, IIS and others are forced to only accept browsers which allow page hit counters. Now the customer is truly unavailable. Mozilla fails, the economy goes with it.

Take that idea to the shredder.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The goldman Facebook Flipflop

Ahhhhhh. Goldmand does not like Facebook sell, sell, sell?

I have heard that because goldman took back their crazy product, that Facebook and support companies should be sold on that information.

1) Goldman has no idea what Facebook is. They had to 'school them' on Facebook.

2) The power and consumers in Facebook would never listen to a goldman. Once burnt twice shy.

3) At this point Facebook users would rather use their own media tools then listen to BS from wall street.

I think Facebook should publicize the slapping of Goldman across the network.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

If the rich do not pay their taxes then bonds will fail

Look, it is the bond holders that allowed the US debt limit to increase beyond the limit of the bond. The bond holders must take the hit, they created this.

first derivative : linear Convexity
Second derivative : Curved Convexity
Third derivative: Options, Futures

The first two derivatives have complex but understandable underlying mathematics.
The third derivative's mathematics is hidden in a opaque package.
Forth and fifth derivatives are based on the opaque third derivative.

It is not know how many levels of derivatives were based on the third derivative instead of the transparent underlying bond. ETFs, LBOs, and funds fall into this category.
If we move money to pay the bond holders for a temporary time we will lose our AAA credit rating. Credit: Bloomberg
And we have to do this by friday.

I have told you this for many years now. The grim reapers are coming. As they whack our AAA to AA- then all those packaged products will fail. The reason is that there are many improper packages that will exceed the value of the bond.

Good luck