Thursday, December 30, 2010

30y 4.8%

That may be a good compromise.

30y 4.8%
10y ~8.5
2y ~12.5

That would allow banks to charge 18-29 for mortgages and 33 for personal credit.

You have to make this announcement now! Just don't make an announcement, make it a 1-3 hour lecture. Fill it with details. Show heat maps. Really explain this in graphic detail.

Counties in New York and California are in "States of Emergency" and are being taken over by the states. Credit : Bloomberg

Mariposa county budget

Nassau, NY

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

STVI up 60% in a day

Can't beat that. The social implications of this new tool will show in major increases of installation over a short period of time. Very useful tool for understanding dating on the internet.

opened 1.58
closed 2.53

Credit: Bloomberg TV

addendum, the next day

I bought more at 1.95 and 2.10. I will keep buying this.

High volatility I see it rising at a rate consistent with Facebook not the market.

Former Shell Exec, Hofmeister

I agree with everything you are saying. We should be drilling 11+b barrels of oil/day. But we must know that the ships and rigs are safe. We will not tolerate another BP or Exxon. You must prove to us that you know how to protect your assets.

Aaron Guerami

BofA is in default

Allstate must have issued the insurance on BofA and Countrywide. They default and Allstate owns them.


Meredith Whitney is a Goddess

The Goddess of Truth and Clear Seeing. Meredith Whitney.

It does not matter what rich folk think. It is easy to be incorrect when you are lied to. She is correct. We will pay for 30+ year of trickle down economics and rich people lying. Our cities are collapsing. Take a look at Detroit! All of California!

If the rich do not fix this by paying their taxes, then there will be a world wide crash and the rich are going to be the most affected. They are the ones who have foolishly followed the little white lie. It will not concern the crash if the rich are living off Turkey, Monaco, Brazil,... It does not matter. The rich will lose and the poor will gain from their loss. Again the only way this can be avoided is to pay your stupid taxes now! Support the MUNIs by funding them with taxes. You must take 1/2 of all your assets and put them into the Munis world wide. YOU HAVE DAYS TO LISTEN TO HER!!! You will lose everything if you do not do this before dec 31.

It is not relevant to me that you the rich lose all your money. You did not pay you taxes. You did not support the system. Your attitude of trickle down economics has created this. If you piss on people they would at least have sterile water to drink.

Guess what? You the rich missed and are covered in piss. Do you actually think the non-rich would buy your toxic assets? Do you actually think we would stand around to be pissed on. You clean it up by buying all state and local muni's and driving the yield up. Sorry. But you did it to yourselves.

It may be a month or two of disruptions for those of us who are not rich. But you the rich are going to feel this pain for the rest of your lives and all of your decedents lives. The important thing to remember is that it does not matter what you think. Good luck with your beliefs. Your rich delusions are not connected to reality.

You only have a couple of days to reduce the pain you the rich are going to feel. Support the bonds or feel the pain. If you think interest rates are painful, You should feel the pain of depression rates on the rich. Depression rates don't affect the poor for long. We are capable of feeling pain for long periods of time.

Oh, yeah.
1)It is about time that you rich figured out that goldman screwed you!!!
2)Market psychology will not have any effect on the direction and crash of munis.
3)If you do not drive the yields of muni 8%points by the end of the year. You lose!
4)Only the rich will lose everything.

Hope you are listening to the Goddess of Truth and Clear Seeing

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tax Marijuana Now

It is time to generate revenue now. We have seen that legalization and usage of Marijuana for medical purposes has not caused a societal crash. It is time to generate these taxes nationwide.

Tax and regulate dispensaries and product. Lets make this a safe new revenue for those who have a doctors permission.

Aaron Guerami


Dear Bloomberg TV,

It is disingenuous to say yesterday we are experiencing a 3x increase in health care prices from August to December, and today suggest we are not experiencing any inflation.

Gold prices are inflating
Food prices are inflating
Energy prices are inflating
Housing prices are deflating
The dollar value is deflating

Thus we are in inflation. You should see that we are in ~20% inflation per year. It will hit 100% or 1000% if it is ignored. Please look at South American Economic History for reference to these problems.

The fed needs to say we need 3 months of 8% increase on current. This should allow for the psychological relief necessary. This should be introduced before year end.

Tesla Motors

I would like the opportunity to fix Tesla Motors. Be it a fundamental engineering issue or a simple distribution problem I can easily solve this companies issues and get it moving forward again. Using the current personnel I would expand their thinking and motivate their creativity. This company is vital to American perception of future expansion. It is a signpost of how quickly we will get out of this depressing recession.

More importantly, I have a plan.

My Resume is:

Aaron Guerami

Monday, December 27, 2010

Health care increases

300% increases in premium over 3 months. That is what 3x means. That is 100% a month.

Realize that all the money in the Medicare fund is gone.

It is not correct to say that Medicare or more people on Medicare causes an increase in cost to everyone. That is not correct and is a lie. People pay into a fund. People prepay into a fund to be there when they need it at their retirement.

You don't pay Social Security taxes to not get the services.

Another Picmo bondage problem.

So, Mr. Gross, your bonds are fully valued to the future and present changes GDP or Economic Growth Value. How is that possible when you and other bond holders have been so blindsided by this event that you endorsed.

Let me show you what happened. We need to travel back to the Vietnam War and The Brady Bonds.

These bonds have a lot of blood on their hands. 6m deaths in Vietnam, sold to iran. Financed terror for 10 years, sold back to ?? US. Hidden in the 90s. Destroyed on date of expiration at the broker/dealer. Started conflict in Afganistan. Extended to Iraq.

The bonds were based on the assets of the vietnam war. The assets were paid for by rubber, and opiates. Bonds were issued... for a war? If you lie about bonds then failure is guaranteed.

The Brady Bonds showed if one percent of the issued bonds were fraudulent, there would be 3-4% growth. So Brady Bonds were issued on 9/11/1971 as 30 year +1 day expiration. This was validated to you from the city next to you, Huntington Beach. Huntington Beach was a swamp land oil field. When the oil was drained the swamp settled enough that it could be built on. Essentially it was built on the first 3 years of the Brady Bond interest. By 1974 most of Huntington Beach between Beach Blvd, and Brookhurst, from Adams to PCH now had a home. These homes were needed for the aerospace industry. This was great, you at the bondholder made a tremendous amount of money on re-issuance of bonds.

Now your expectations are that you must do this again with a much larger operation. You are now selling 30 year bonds on future growth. But the problem is you have changed the defining sentence of a bond, and nobody knows it. This change in the definition of a bond and it issuance is not noticed by economist. Because it is validated by data, this new definition of a bond becomes the major failure in our economy. This failure is based on the idea that bonds are now linked to future growth instead of current infrastructure and resources.

It became apparent during the Iran-Contra event that although military parts were sold to iran, the really concerning part was they were paid for with brady bonds. The real problem was we now owned these brady bonds again. They were shown to be fraudulent during iran-Contra. We gave them real parts for fake money. These bonds needed to be gathered up and destroyed before their expiration.

The people at original holders and owners were lied to by the Nixon Gvt. Now that is a stretch. Nixon lying. What was interesting, was the Brady Bonds were destroyed at the broker not the owner. The deaths at Cantor-Fitzgerald were instant.

Surgical extraction of the Brady Bonds and their derivatives should be the HairCut necessary for the bondholders to take for their participation in this huge economic fuckup. This should include the physical removal of underlying asset that has failed the bond. The empty office building that was used to underwrite the subprime tract of homes should also be removed when the empty tract of homes is removed. The required money for this should come from the Bond insurance.

The rule for bondholders is if you are making more that 2-3% on a 10year then something is really wrong with the underlying bond.

Issuance of bonds. 30 y bonds should only be issued every 10 years. For example, I bought a building in 2003. I paid its mortgage off in 2010. Seven years. In 2013 I will have 3 years of profit or no mortgage to pay. I will take that money and use it to pay for the next 10 years of maintenance, marketing and bond insurance. Then I will issue 5, 10 and 20 year bonds to cover the life of the asset, and collect rent. It should be that easy to understand. I must have the asset paid for and it future health should be covered before I am allowed to issue a bond against the asset.

Another thing. You cannot issue beyond the asset's life or beyond the asset's depreciated value. You don't get to make shit up and issue bonds to it. That showed the failure of the Tech bubble. Basing building homes on fraud causes the sub-prime failure. Sub-prime would have worked if the underlying assets had real value.

So, you may not be directly at fault, But stupid statements like bond are fully valued... when you show a general ignorance and lack of proper information, are dangerous. As a bondholder. you should never speak. We should never know who really owns the debt. Who was foolish enough to underwrite sub-prime homes in California?

For those who still do not understand, this concept is how you disperse the sub-prime and Fannie and Freddie and Sallie. Just show that these were failed by the fraudulent Brady's. Then Sub-prime can be shown to be a failure of the Brady's not of the concept of Bond. If you bondholders still don't get this then the latter is probable. And all this is true because stock (equities) is the first derivative of the underlying bond. Or it use to be before equities became a gambling platform.

Aaron Guerami

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Robust Recover, Mr. Ross

Wilber Ross on Bloomberg described the recovery as Robust. That is a nice description. Slow and steady steers the course. It strengthens my feeling of the economy when I hear people like WL Ross describe their view as such.

Aaron Guerami

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Food Inflation??

I do not believe your food inflation midday discussion.

What about the smaller container for the same price? We are not eating as much this month because prices are more. But our checkout ticket needs to remain stable.

I know that as smart phone usage increases in 2011 people will start showing instant food inflation data.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Half the Bankers are going to Quit?

If their bonuses are not up to snuff. Fuck em.

Replace them with code!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Now, Mr. Bernake

Consumers need to save, Businesses need to spend, Government needs to regulate.

The reliance in GDP on growth in spending needs to be put on the Businesses. The Consumer needs to save for housing and food.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Mr. O'Neill

That Bloomberg interview where you described giving money to local government to hire trades people off the unemployment rolls to tear down derelict property is great. It creates value in America in so many ways. Thanks.

Two days in a row! Keep it up.

Virtual war will have physical consequences

Oracle and HP are at virtual war with each other. America's Networks will be the battlefield. We will have failures of the system that will show America as untrustworthy. This little conflict is not of benefit to all. Worst of all, people will die because of this rage. Tone it down now!!!

Lets have a neutral stance until Monday!

Ellison, I understand the rage and pain involved in losing someone you trust, to foolish issues. You trained this dude to replace you.

HP, Do not be so arrogant as to think your size is any defense in this. Ellison is powerful enough to just absorb you. I've seen it done before. Fire your problems.

HP Exec, You have been summoned to appear before a Federal Judge. If you have no respect for the Law, then you will make a lousy and destructive executive.

You all are at a delicate location in the Tech recovery. One that has been going on since ~2000. Absolutely stupid conflicts will have disastrous effects. If you are willing to spend money on Virtual War, Let's use that cooperative attitude and fully fund a Near Earth Object project.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bloomberg, Net Neutrality

I am extremely concerned when people who will be voting on standardization and access refer to the internet as a pipeline, series of pipes...

This argument should done in the quiet confines of academia, where these innovations and inventions are made. The question should be how neutral do we need the network to continue growth through innovation.

The other thing is behind the firewall is mine. I built it. I wrote it. And if you don't like it then don't break through my firewall and read my work. Behind the firewall is PRIVATE.

Politicians who have no idea about information sciences should not try to confine the innovation. They just cannot understand it.

I am concerned!