Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Effects of the bush economy

This is what happens when an absolute idiot runs our government. We should not ever allow a person who could barely walk or talk run our country.

It is the primary problem: Our Economic Leadership Election System is based on a popularity contest. This system either denigrates the position of the President or creates a dictator.

It always takes time from the event to the effect.

moving on

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Whining about taxes

It is annoying to listen to the rich whine about taxes. It is even more annoying to watch the rich parade before The President, demanding to pay lower taxes... Piss Off!

When you the rich pay the same amount in percentage as a nurse or a construction worker, only then should we consider 'lowering' taxes.

Bloomberg TV Business Regulation Critics Take Obama `Off Script' at White House Meeting.