Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The reason for increasing reserves

I have seen this happen in my condo association. It is what is necessary for everyone including the federal reserve to do.

Two condo associations save money for replacement of roof after 15 years. My building chooses to save 100% of the cost of the previous roof replacement plus 15% for inflation.

The other condo chooses to save 15% of the previous roof replacement and assess unit owners for the balance. They want to have more money in their bank.

When it came time to replace the roofs, who's roof was completed? The unit owners in my condo paid for the roof, had some extra funds left over because we bargained with the installer and got rebates for installing a energy efficient roof. Our monthly payments went down because we are saving for a 10 year project over 15 years.

The other condo did not get the money they needed from the assessment. They paid 5 times the amount needed for the roof in legal fees to collect the necessary monies. They purchased tar roofs, because that is what they always did. They are in legal fights with the unit owners, other condos, the installer, and suppliers; simply because they did not have the funds saved. They still have not completed their roof.

Oh yeah, our unit owners had their electric bills reduced by 50% because of the energy efficient roof.

Meltzer the man who Margret Brennen had on her show today is wrong. Savings is what we the people need to do. We need to strengthen the dollar by savings.

If you the people wish to have the lifestyle we have enjoyed, then you must save the monies required for funding the replacement and upgrading of infrastructure. There is no way around this.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Good Job, Plugging the Well

The alternative would have been difficult to live with. Now money should be spent recovering that oil that is saturating the Gulf floor. A re-examination of the Gulf wells will cause many new jobs. Many robots will be needed to do this census of the gulf.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Citi Sells Student loans

Bloomberg TV has had this on the ticker all morning. C sell Student Loan Division for $600 million.

Best to sell this division before it pops in the next major consumer bubble. It is good that you sold that consumer debt. Good Job C

Ignorance in politics destroys economies

I cringe when I hear absolute ignorance of the Constitution. Today I heard from Hans Nichols about the Democrats losing the Senate. That may be your wish, but the requirement of control of the Senate is a simple majority. "The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided." Art 1 Sec 3 Cl 4

I would rather see many more then 3 parties, than this ignorance to continue.

Read Article 1 Section 3 of the Constitution.

There is no two party system. A Senator represents a state, not a party.

Again, Mr Nichols.

You opinion or wishes are not relevant to me. I expect Facts to be discussed by Bloomberg TV. What in Washington is being discussed or voted on? Can you post links to bills being discussed?

If you want to write an Op-Ed, then produce it to be on the weekend.


It is ignorance to discuss people as only liberal or conservative. As an independent moderate, I have little voice in politics. But Jon Stewart is correct. Moderates are the largest group of people in America. I would love to go to Washington for the Moderate rally. 10/30/2010

It is the extremist who run this country. They use fear and manipulation to push their ideologies.

You who profess reduction of taxes and regulations destroyed our economy in an effort to raise your personal income during the Bush years.


The Democrats can screw up a glass of water. They have majority control of both the House and Senate. Yet they cannot pass any resolution or bill without blaming it on the other extremist. They are ignorant in a way that is unforgivable. I want to see Computer Scientist and other educated people taking House positions.


Let's let the party system fail.

Aaron Guerami