Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pimco is afraid

That little tirade by Pimco on Bloomberg was extremely disgusting. What Pimco is really afraid of is that the U.S. debt is not going to be repaid by the wealthy, average and poor. That it is going to be repaid, but by the rich. It is that 95% - 5% attitude.

This is an extreme example of how the 5 really don't care about the 95. I am sorry that Neel was the one who was spouting that rhetoric.

What about the entitlements afforded to the rich? You should pay the same percentage in taxes as a nurse. You really pay far less in percentage of taxes. We the 95 tend to overlook that reduction in taxes because of the purpose you serve. Article 1 Section 8 should make you pay incredible amounts of monies to be an American. Because of the incredible amounts of monies you make as a Citizen.

Could you at Pimco really afford to maintain Hoag? What about UCI? If you increased the taxes you paid this would not be an issue. The system failed because people like you see themselves as outside the system not a part of the system. You have to participate to get the bonds back to parity. And you won't get them back to parity until you participate.

It really is not the 95s fault you allowed Goldman to take your money from you. You were heavily invested in debt. You are smart enough to realize they were stealing, from you.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The most dangerous threat to the United States

Pages on submarine intended to enter U.S. Waters

These are the most dangerous threat to the United States. If Pakistan's nukes go rogue.

Both Amanda and I agree that the Navy should be hunting down and destroying these vessels.

Just more of my fears. These are high speed low profile boats. They have almost no signature. They are designed to evade. They are more than capable of delivering cargo/weapons. They are remote controlled. These are Intercontinental Sub-Surface Nuclear Torpedoes.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Expiration of Tax Cuts


It is important to realize the chart you displayed showing national debt since 1960 was designed to show a large spike at the end. I would like to see that same data displayed over 30 years and have yearly intervals of time.

Also we tend to have a tiered system of taxation. People who RELY on dividends tend to have less taxes or no taxes.

We need to pay our debts, start new massive projects, and build infrastructure.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

60 Votes Not Legal

It is not legal for the Senate to require 60 votes to pass any bill.

Article 1 Section 3
The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided.

This means that a simple majority is required for a bill to pass the Senate. And why is the VP not presiding over the Senate. That is his Constitutional job, to sit and listen to those intelligent jabberings. As Vice President of these United States he is the President of the Senate.

My previous thought was that the people elected to government were using these simple ignorances to circumvent the system. Now I just believe they have never read the Constitution.

Housing numbers

Again, How can this be a shock to investors. We all know there are many vacant homes in the US. Housing starts are down, that again is a no-brainer. Manufacturing is down in the US. Really, this is a shock?